Rereading Books // Bunny Babbles

Hi Friends,
Recently, I was considering rereading a book that I read a few years ago. Well, I wondered to myself if rereads should count towards people’s reading goals for the year. I am the type of reader that actually enjoys rereading books. Yet there are some exceptions to my rereading. I wouldn’t necessarily read a thriller over again, since it’s less impactful the second time around. But, I love rereading YA contemporaries!

Every year, I reread ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens and ‘The Afterlife of Holly Chase’ by Cynthia Hand. But, I think it is pretty normal to reread holiday books, since people rewatch their favorite holiday films every year.

There are some books that I do want to read again, because I can’t fully remember them. And, I always try to reread a series if it’s been over a year since I read the previous books. I am someone that does count rereads towards my yearly reading goal, because whether I’ve already read it or not, I’m still technically reading. A reading goal is for all the books you read that year, right? It isn’t just for new books read in a year.

In the comments, I would love to know where you stand on rereading, if they should count towards your yearly reading goal. Please follow my book blog, so that I know you like these types of posts.

Until The Next Chapter,

Related Post: The Afterlife of Holly Chase Book Review

Read More Books // Tips and Tricks

Hi Friends,
In the past, my reading wasn’t where it is today. Here’s a little secret: in 2020, I only managed to read 5 books. In 2014, sadly, I only read only 2 books. Until recently, the most I had ever read in a year was 15 books. However, 2021 was a turning point in my reading. I was able to read 50 books. I thought that I would share some of my tips on how to read more books in a year. Now, this isn’t a guide on how you can read 100 books in a year. And, these tips might not work for you. But they did help me in my effort to read more.

Reading Time
One of the biggest tips is to set aside a time to read. If we can be on our phone for hours, or watch a two hour movie, then one can certainly read for an hour a day. Pick the best reading time for you, and give yourself a goal of reading for 30 minutes or an hour.

Finish The Chapter
This is something I do often. I will pick a chapter that I want to get to and won’t stop reading until I reach it. It’s like a little competition with yourself, and once you reach your goal chapter, you get a feeling of accomplishment.

I think this is a no-brainer when it comes to reading more. These days, I solely read audiobooks and I am not embarrassed by that fact. This has improved my finished book count and reading experience significantly. There are many audiobook services to choose from; even libraries offer audiobooks.

I am trying to get better at this, but DNFing can be very beneficial. Continuing to read a book you don’t like can put you in a reading slump that could last for weeks, or even months. This can hinder your reading a lot. You shouldn’t be ashamed to put down a book that you aren’t into. Reading should be fun, not a chore.

Book Clubs and Readathons
Something else that helped my reading grow was participating in readathons. One of my first posts happened to be a TBR for a ‘Taylor Swift’ inspired readathon. Joining that event kicked off an amazing year of reading. Book Clubs are another great option, since it will motivate you to read at least one book a month in order to engage with other book club participants.

I am pretty sure those are all the things that helped me step up my reading game. Leave any tips you might have in the comments below.

Until The Next Chapter,