A Game Most Foul // Book Review

About The Book
Attending Ashford College’s writing seminar in London, Jules Montgomery faces challenges with her recent hearing loss and writer’s block. When a fellow student disappears and authorities show little concern, Jules teams up with new friends Percy and Suruthi. Together, aided unexpectedly by a man claiming to be Sherlock Holmes, they unravel mysteries both modern and from fiction, discovering truths that defy time and perception.
Buy The Book: https://amzn.to/45ImL1T

My Rating

First, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for granting me access to an audiobook ALC of “A Game Most Foul” by Alison Gervais. Going into this book, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. The premise of a young adult mystery with a Sherlock Holmes twist intrigued me, as I usually enjoy YA mysteries. However, I have mixed feelings about this one.

Let’s start with what I liked. The main character, Jules, is attending a writing workshop in the UK for the summer. Jules has tinnitus and uses hearing aids, which is a refreshing and important representation that’s rarely seen in books. The setting in London is always a plus for me; mysteries set there always seem more enjoyable to me. The plot about a missing classmate initially caught my interest, and I liked the small friend group Jules formed throughout the story.

However, the negatives outweighed the positives for me. Despite the intriguing premise, I found it hard to connect with Jules. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why, but her intense interest in her classmate’s disappearance felt unnatural and a bit over-the-top. Additionally, the romance subplot seemed unnecessary and added little to the main story.

“There’s a story somewhere in my brain, maybe a mystery or a thriller, needing to be written.”

II didn’t expect Sherlock and Watson’s inclusion to be done the way it was. The supernatural element, while somewhat well executed, surprised me and didn’t fit smoothly with the story. I enjoyed Sherlock’s character as it stayed true to the original portrayal. However, I found the other characters less likable, especially the teenagers, who seemed to be trying too hard to act grown-up. They didn’t feel realistic as teenagers; it was obvious that an adult was writing them.

My main problem was with the writing style. It seemed better suited for younger readers than for young adults. Maybe it’s just me getting older or having different tastes, but it made it hard for me to stay engaged in the story. Still, I have to give credit for the ending—it tied things up neatly, even though by then, I wasn’t as invested in the plot.

Overall, while the book has its moments and brings some valuable representation to the table, I just didn’t find the story compelling. It might be more appealing to younger readers or those new to YA mysteries, but it didn’t keep me fully engaged. Thanks again to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for letting me listen to the ALC.

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Until The Next Chapter,

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