So This Is Love // Book Review

About The Book
Faced with questions of love and loyalty to the kingdom, Cinderella must find a way to stop the villains of past and present . . . before it’s too late. The 9th installment in the New York Times best-selling A TWISTED TALE series asks: What if Cinderella never tried on the glass slipper?
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My Rating

I was wary going into this book, since I wasn’t sure what to expect from it. However, Cinderella reminds me a lot of my mom, so I have a special place in my heart for her.

Right off the bat, the writing style was wonderful. The author really brought the story to life, as well as adding a lot of interesting little tidbits into the story. Like creating a wonderful backstory behind Cinderella’s name.

In the retelling, the characters hold true to their original personalities. Cinderella is just as sweet, kind, and positive as she has always been. Yet, she is independent, and not a damsel in distress. She fight for herself, which makes sense considering the life she has had.

The evil stepmother and stepsisters didn’t play a huge role in the book, but were, for the most part, similar to the original characters.

However, the evil stepmother was a lot crueler this time around, and really hated Cinderella. In the book, I couldn’t believe the length her evil stepmother would go to get rid of her.

The prince was an okay character, but didn’t have much personality. There was the addition of the Prince’s aunt, which I enjoyed a lot. She was a strong willed women with a hidden soft side. They also gave Cinderella a human friend, however the mice and her dog were still included in the story.

“Women are always waiting on men- let it be the other way around for a change.”

The villain of the story was the king’s advisor, and he was a despicable villain. I despised him throughout the story, so the author did a great job at creating a truly unlikeable villain.

The story is slow moving, but there are many interesting pieces to the plot. Especially the fact that magic is forbidden in the land. That twist added such a cool element to the story, making it more fantastical and less of a simple love story.

Still, the love story side was sweet and romantic. And the notion that not everyone will love you, but that’s okay was also a nice added message to the story. Also, the fact that there was more to their love story, instead of them just living happily ever after, was very realistic.

Overall, the ending was good, and the story was well-executed. It isn’t my favorite retelling, but a good read nonetheless. I would have just preferred a more fast paced plot.

Let me know in the comments if you have read this twisted tale book. And before you go, check out my reviews of some of the other twisted tale books.

Until The Next Chapter,

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I'm All Booked Up
2 years ago

This sounds like a really great retelling of Cinderella. Thanks for sharing!