These Books Will Self Destruct // 2024 Challenge

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to talk about 12 books that I have to read before the end of the year. Okay, I do not have to read these books, but I would like to make a conscious effort to read them. So, to hold myself accountable, if I do not read these books, I will unhaul them next year. Truthfully, I have tried this before and I do not think it went too well for me, so we will see how it goes this time around.

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
I have had this book since its release in 2021. Sadly, I never had the desire to pick it up. However, I recently heard one of my favorite BookTubers talk about the synopsis of the third book in this companion book series ‘Love, Theoretically,’ and that book sounds like a potential five-star read for me. So, now, I am very hyped to read this book.

River of Dreams by Jan Nash
I remember getting this book from BookOutlet, and the synopsis sounded original. It is a magical realism young adult novel. However, I have lost interest in the young adult genre. Don’t get me wrong I still read YA books, but I do not find myself gravitating towards them anymore. I would like to at least attempt to read this book because the premise still seems interesting to me.

The Troop by Nick Cutter
This was a completely accidental buy, so I decided that it had to be read this year. All I know is that it’s a ‘Lord Of The Flies’ esc horror novel. However, please do not quote me on this because I could be totally mistaken for the plot. I know that this author is pretty popular in the horror genre, which makes me slightly more eager to read the book.

Cupcake by Cookie O’Gorman
This is a fluffy, lighthearted, young adult contemporary. I know that my teenage and even my early twenties self would have adored this book. However, I am skeptical of reading it. I have had it on my shelf for way to long now simply because I am afraid it might fall into the cheesy side of young adult books for me. Still, I am hoping that I can read it this year and perhaps even enjoy it.

Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, Nicola Yoon
I have been saying that I was going to read this book for many years. Sadly, it has just been collecting dust on my bookshelf. I believe this is because I am not a huge fan of short story collections. This book contains stories that follow different black teens, but are all interconnected. I am still very interested in the book, and I have heard that it is being adapted into a movie, so I would like to read it before the adaptation is released. Otherwise, I should probably let it go to a new home.

Delicious Monsters by Liselle Sambury
I bought this book because I had seen a few bookish creators talk about it, but the length of this book absolutely frightens me. It is a young adult paranormal thriller released in early 2023. So it has not been on my TBR for too long, but I feel like if I do not make the effort to read it this year I probably will not ever get around to it.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer
This book was a gift to me years ago when I started getting back into reading. All I know is that this is a Queen of Hearts retelling and a fairly popular book. Honestly, this is one of the oldest books on my shelf, and as a fan of retelling, I do not know why I have not read it yet. I am making this book a major priority this year. However, I will not be terribly disappointed if I have unhaul it.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner
This is another retelling I have had for a long time. I think that I have been hesitant to read this because I have not heard the best things about it. However, it’s a ‘Beauty And The Beast’ inspired retelling, which happens to be my favorite Disney Princess movie. Thruthgully, it is really up in the air when it comes to whether I will actually read it within the next eleven months.

The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin
When it comes to reading the book, I am very on the fence because I had picked it up before. Something about the story wasn’t working for me, but I do own another book by this author. I would really like to read this one first, since I have had it longer. In addition, I know that many people enjoy this book. I hope that my second attempt at reading it will be a success.

The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth
I bought this book on a whim because I heard positive things about this authors book ‘The Good Sister.’ I do not know much about the plot, except that it is an adult thriller. This is a book that could most likely stay on my bookshelf unread for years if I do not, I hate to say force, but force myself to read it.

Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega
I should not be left at Barnes and Noble unsupervised because I sometimes buy books in genres that I seldom read. This is the first in a middle series, and if you have been following my blog for quite some time, you know that I do not typically read middle grade. However, I decided that if I do not read it soon, I should just unhaul it and a few other middle grades that I own.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
As the author of the poetry collection, Convenient Interruptions, you think I would be more inclined to pick up poetry books. Sadly, this is not the case. I own two poetry books by this author, and I would like to read one if not both this year. I believe that this is their best-known release, so I would like to start with it.

In the comments, let me know if there is one or a few books that you have to read in 2024. I don’t know how this challenge is going to go but I like to push myself when it comes to my yearly reading. Don’t forget that it is completely free to follow my blog and helps it grow.

Until The Next Chapter,

“Do I Have That Book” Challenge!

Hi Friends,
I thought that for day 9 of Bookmas it would be fun to do the ‘Do I Have That Book Challenge.’ This is a popular YouTube tag and I believe originally you were supposed to set a 60 second timer and try to find a book on your shelf that fit the question. However, I’m doing a book blogger take on the tag by eliminating the timer aspect.

Like most readers I’m not a fan of deckled edges, but my edition of ‘Speak’ by Laurie Halse Anderson does happen to have deckled edges. Funny, enough I instantly knew this book had them and I got this copy years ago. Probably when I first started becoming a reader.

I had a few books I could have choose for this and I went with an unlikely choice. This book has three silhouettes on the cover, but I’m still counting them as three people. Also, who doesn’t love the Sanderson sisters? And, just a quick note the sequel in this book isn’t anything like Disney+ ‘Hocus Pocus 2’ film.

Yep. ‘Geekerella’ is a Cinderella retelling. Honestly, this series of companion novels weren’t my favorite, but I enjoyed this book. It was a fun twist on the Cinderella story and the romance was really cute.

It took me a while to find a book with exactly ten letters in the title, but I ended up finding ‘Splintered’ by by A.G. Howard. This is the first book in an ‘Alice In Wonderland’ retelling series. This series is very old and use to be talked about a lot in the book community. I have yet to start it, but hop to pick it up relatively soon.

This was surprisingly easy to find, ‘Two Can Keep A Secret’ by Karen M. McManus starts and ends with the letter T. This is a YA thriller that I didn’t love, still it works for this prompt so I’m happy.

I only have one ‘The Time Keeper’ by Mitch Albom. I don’t know why I have this book, yet I can only assume it is because I read a lot of his books early on in my reading journey. Have I read this book. Nope. Do I know what it’s about. Nope.

Mary Poppins‘ by P.L. Travers! The authors actual name is Pamela Lyndon Travers. I have a few other books by authors using a pen name but this was the first one that came to mind.

Anna and the French Kiss‘ by Stephanie Perkins, which happens to be one of the first YA contemporary trilogy, of sorts, that I read. It is such a cute YA romance set in France. I still love this book even though I haven’t read it in years. Maybe, a reread is in order here.

Nope! I looked through practically every book on my shelf and couldn’t find a single book containing not only two but let alone one map. Probably, because fantasy isn’t a genre I typically buy. However, that is changing so I might have a book that meets this prompt in the future. But, as of today I do not.

I feel like every book these days is turning into a TV show or movie, so I have quite a few. Such as ‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ trilogy by Jenny Han that was turned into an Amazon Prime original show. I still need to watch the whole series, yet the first episode was really good. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the series might be better than the books. Yeah, I said it don’t come for me.

Yep! I have ‘Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You‘ by Misha Collins, who plays Castiel on Supernatural. This is a poetry book that he released and I also believe that I have his cookbook. A little known fact is that he is my soulmate we just haven’t met yet. Don’t worry my husband is cool with it.

This is another one that I’m surprised I don’t have in my collection. You’d think more books would have clocks on the cover. I do want ‘The Toymaker’s Apprentice‘ by Sherri L. Smith, which does have a clock on the cover. However, as of now I don’t own any books that fit this prompt.

I’m going to do a shameless self promo and say ‘Convenient Interruptions‘ by ME! If you don’t know I released a poetry collection that you can buy on amazon and read for free on Kindle Unlimited.

I’m the type of person that hates any type of sticker or stamp on a book cover, but I did have a copy of ‘The Graveyard Book‘ by Neil Gaiman that I bought from Half-Priced Books. It has an award stamp on the cover, because it won the John Newbery Medal. However, I unhauled the book so I don’t actually have a book for this question.

Technically, I do since I mentioned that I have a copy of my own book. However, if we are speaking about books not written by yours truly than no. I think my initials NE, or maiden name initials NT, are pretty uncommon.

I own a few books of short stories such as ‘Blackout‘ by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, and Nicola Yoon. This is a collection of interlocking short stories about black teens.

Nope! I either have books that are under 400 pages or over 510 pages, which is pretty weird if you ask me. I’m not usually someone that will read a long book, so it makes sense that all my books are relatively short. Yet, I do have some that contain up to 550 pages and that’s a little intimidating to say the least.

One of my all time favorite books ‘Five Feet Apart‘ by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias Iaconis was turned into a film. In my opinion, the movie is just as good as the book and I recommend them both if you like heartbreaking young adult romances.

I’ve bought a lot of graphic novels with in the last year. My most recent graphic novel purchase was ‘Squad‘ by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, which is a sapphic horror about a group of werewolves.

A Secret Princess‘ by Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz is a YA retelling of ‘A Little Princess’ and ‘The Secret Garden’. And, obviously it’s written by two wonderful young adult authors.

There you have the ‘Do I Have That Book’ book tag challenge! It was very interesting going through my book shelf to find books that correlate with each prompt. In the comments, let me know how many prompts you can complete with the books on your selves. Don’t forget to hit the follow button for more bookish content.

Until The Next Chapter,