Dash and Lily | TV Show Review

Title: Dash and Lily
Network: Netflix
Released: 2020
Genre: Series/Romance/Holiday
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A whirlwind Christmas romance builds as cynical Dash and optimistic Lily trade dares, dreams and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations around New York City.

After reading the book, I knew that I had to watch the Netflix adaptation. First off, I want to say that the book and series are fairly different. I have seen a few of Netflix book-to-movies, and suspected that the series wouldn’t be exactly like the book. However, in this case I think that the changes that were made worked well.

The movie did have the same major plot as the book, which I have reviewed. Lily and Dash meet during the holidays, through a red notebook left by Lily at their favorite bookstore. By exchanging the notebook, the two getting to know one another. And, every pass of the notebook has a dare the other must to complete.

I found the show to be adorable, and definitely something that I would rewatch every holiday season. I enjoyed the acting, and connected with the character in a way that I didn’t with the book. A change that I liked was how they met (before they actually met). In the book, I felt that it took too long before they met in person. It was nice to see Lily’s quirkiness in real life, and Dash was far more relatable in the series.

I liked how Dash wanted to meet Lily, and he couldn’t even think about any other girl. He was all in with Lily. One of my major dislikes of the book was changed in the series, which probably added to my enjoyment of the show. One being, Lily seemed stronger and didn’t apologies for her mistakes, because she’s a teenager. Making mistakes is part of the job description.

“Sometimes Words Aren’t Enough.”

As for the family aspect, it was interesting to actually meet Dash’s dad in the series, since we didn’t get much info on his parents in book. The scene with his dad though brief explained a lot about Dash’s cynical personality. I noticed that Lily and her brother had a lot more scenes together than in the book, and seemed to have closer relationship. He was even the one to encourage her to leave the notebook, and wrote the first dare. This is a major change from the book, since Lily did it all on her own due to her lonely Christmas. It was refreshing seeing their close sibling bond.

Some of the characters in the series were pretty different, but still really likeable. And, there were some other relationships that I liked seeing develop as well. The ending wasn’t exactly like the book, which you can probably tell by now is a theme with the series. However, I absolutely preferred the series ending over the books. Honestly, it made my heart swoon and even my husband was a fan of the show.

I didn’t hate the book at all, but out of the two I completely favor the series. It fixed all the issues I had with the book, as slight as they may have been. It was such a heartwarming holiday teen romance show that I would recommend to everyone. In all honesty, I would even say that you could skip the book and just go for the series. Also, Nick Jones produce the series, which I find to be interesting.

Let me know if you agree with me on the series vs. book comparison. Please share this post, and like it as well. And, give the blog a follow to support my blog!

Until the Next Chapter,

Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares (Dash & Lily, #1) // Book Review

Author: Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
Published: 2010
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

The book was exactly how I anticipated it to be, yet there were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. In the book, we follow Lily, who is an adorably awkward teenage girl having the worst Christmas of her life. Her family have all made other Christmas plans, leaving her with her older brother who is more focused on his holiday romance than spending time with his kid sister. Dash on the other-hand isn’t a fan of all the holidays opting to spend Christmas alone. These two very different teens meet by fate, kind of, and embark on the cutest love-story.

This is a dual perspective story where we get to hear from Dash and Lily. And, I am happy to say that I enjoyed both sides of the story equally. Lily is a fun character to follow, because even though she isn’t having the merriest Christmas, she is determined to stay joyful. She is shy and socially awkward, which I found to be very relatable. Dash dared her to challenge herself and step out of her comfort zone. And, to not be so afraid to be seen by the world. I know that was swooning hard over Dash, so there is no question to why Lily fell for him.

Dash reminded me so much of Holden Caulfield. He is cynical, moody, and a bit of a know-it-all. He doesn’t let anyone see his soft side, and is scared to let anyone get too close. Dash is lonely and wants to find ‘his person’ but isn’t sure there’s someone out there for him. Lily changed his outlook on a lot of things, including the holidays. I think he realized that maybe Christmas isn’t so bad if you have someone to spend it with.

It was fun watching the story unfold, and I kept wondering what the next dare would be. For a large portion of the book, they only converse through a red notebook. There is something sweet about falling for someone by their words, not their looks. Which just so happens to be how I fell in love with my husband. Still, I couldn’t wait until they finally met in person.

“I want to believe there is a somebody out there just for me. I want to believe that I exist to be there for that somebody.”

The story does a good job of showcasing how we all place people on pedestals. This is especially true when we only have a mental image of someone. Dash and Lily both got to know one another, but they still had unrealistic expectations. No one will ever be exactly how you envisioned them, but that’s okay. The story demonstrated that we can, and should, overcome our preconceived notion of somebody, and to get to know the real them.

The story had some flaws, as most do. One being that Lily was very confusing at times. She wanted Dash, but didn’t mind pursuing someone that she didn’t even like. I understand that Dash was just the guy in the notebook, but I would think that all his attempts to break her out of her shell would make her more brave. I want her to go get the guy, and not settle.

Dash annoyed me at times, because he could be really stuck-up. Without spoiling anything, there was a scene close to the end of the book where Lily messed up big. Dash was unforgiving, and it made me slightly annoyed, considering they hadn’t even met at that point. Cut the girl some slack.

As for the ending, I think it was simple, and wrapped everything up with a nice bow. The story as a whole was exciting, cute, and it took place in New York City! Spending the holidays in The Big Apple, even through a book, is fabulous. If you have read the book, go ahead and leave your rating in the comments. Also, follow the blog – all the cool kids are doing it!

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Music Meets Books // Holiday Edition

Hi Friends,
I am a big fan of recommendations posts and videos. In the past, I have done a few but I thought that this one was pretty creative. I have seen people do similar recommendations, but on this list I have some songs and books that people never seem to recommend.

This book comes to mind everytime I hear this original winter song. Honestly, I don’t think that this holiday contemporary gets enough love. But I must admit that it has been a few years since I picked this book up and cannot remember many details about it. I do know that this is a YA romance set on a Christmas tree farm. The book is less about the holidays but redemption, love and past mistakes.

This song is about asking Santa to bring you Christmas love. This book happens to be about a girl wanting one thing for Christmas, her crush. Holiday romances can be a hit or miss, but I swooned over this enemies-to-lovers story. It is about seeing past your negative opinions of someone, because they might just be the someone for you. This book has romance, the holidays and Secret Santa. So you know it is going to be a messy and cute story.

This song can be a bit hard to understand, but the lyrics remind me a lot of Dash and Lily. In the song, it is about how everything changed after meeting your person. And, without them Christmas just isn’t the same. In the book, two teenagers meet at the perfect time during the holidays. Both their Christmases aren’t going so well, but what they come to realize is that all they needed for Christmas was each other. This book was a whirled wind romance that I finished in one day. I think all contemporary readers should go on this holiday journey with Dash and Lily.

Do you agree with my book-to-holiday song recommendations? Do you have any recommendations of your own? Leave them in the comments below, so I and others can get more book recommendations.

Until The Next Chapter,