Book Review: Admission by Julie Buxbaum

Title: Admission
Author: Julie Buxbaum
Published: 2020
Rating: 3.0/5.0 Stars

Synopsis: It’s good to be Chloe Wynn Berringer–at least, it was, until the FBI came knocking on her front door, guns at the ready, and her future went up in smoke. Now her mother is under arrest in a massive college admissions bribery scandal. Chloe, too, might be facing charges, and even time behind bars. The public is furious, the press is rabid, and the US attorney is out for blood.
Source: GoodReads

When I saw this book on display at my local Wal-Mart I thought the concept was very intriguing. I, like many people, have heard about the college admissions scandal that rocked the media back in 2019. When the events of the scandal unfolded I knew that it was only a matter of time before their was some form of fiction about the affair. However, a YA book wasn’t my first thought. I went into this book with very low expectations, and knowing it would be very cliché.

The characters in the book don’t have much depth to them, and we are seeing the entire misconduct through the eyes of the main protagonist, Chloe. There were many jabs and similarities to the original scandal, which was fun to see. A good subject that the book touched on was how people are so quick to turn their backs on one another. Chloe’s friends and crush didn’t think twice before writing her off as a liar and cheater. They never once asked to hear her side of the story. What her family did was wrong nobody is denying that fact. However, their lack of loyalty to their so-called friend said a lot about them. I think it was a very honest portrait of friendship.

“I think about all the things money can and cannot buy.”

I did get slightly annoyed with many of the characters and how clueless they acted. It was as if they thought everyone got into college this way. In a majority of the book Chloe played dumb, which was frustrating but proved that she was not ready for college. The overall ending message about throwing money at your problems was very real. The author made it clear that yes money can buy you a lot even admissions to college, but that doesn’t make it right. Just because you can have something doesn’t mean you should. Most things in life should be earned, and not taken.

I am glad that I picked this book up, but it isn’t anything to write home about. I probably won’t read it again, still it was a very fast easy read. I would be interested to see a TV movie version of this book. If you have read this book please leave me your thoughts in the comments below. Also, follow the blog to get notified when I post.

Until The Next Chapter,