The Witches // Mini Book Review

About The Book
Witches are real, and they are very, very dangerous. They wear ordinary clothes and have ordinary jobs, living in ordinary towns all across the world — and there’s nothing they despise more than children. When an eight-year-old boy and his grandmother come face-to-face with the Grand High Witch herself, they may be the only ones who can stop the witches’ latest plot to stamp out every last child in the country!
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My Rating

This was such a cute and easy read that you could fly through. Since this is some what of a Flossie, it probably doesn’t need much of an explanation. Nevertheless, the story follows a young boy who recently lost his parents and his eccentric grandmother as they have to face off against witches.

Honestly, the fact that it deals with grief and loss is sad. But, make no mistakes it is in general a fun and slightly spooky children’s and even tween’s story. Yes, there is a sad beginning but it’s not the main focus of the book.

“Children are revolting!”

The plot was fast paced, and a bit sinister, and the writing was great. The characters were likable, and although we didn’t get to know them too well, I don’t think a lot of character depth or development was really needed in the story.

Overall, I found the plot of witches turning kids into rodents great, and the book was pretty funny. The ending was happy (and different), but I liked it. And, I will say the artwork style in the graphic novel was beautiful. There are a few movie adaptations of the book that I would probably enjoy as well.

In the comments, let me know if you have read the book, or seen one of the movie versions. I hear the one starting Anne Hathaway is a little spooky. Before you go, give my blog a follow so you can get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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One True Loves // Book Review

About The Book
From the author of Maybe in Another Life—named a People Magazine pick—comes a breathtaking new love story about a woman unexpectedly forced to choose between the husband she has long thought dead and the fiancé who has finally brought her back to life. Who is her one true love? What does it mean to love truly? Emma knows she has to listen to her heart. She’s just not sure what it’s saying.
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My Rating

When I saw the trailer for the movie adaptation of this book, I knew I was not going to be able to wait and see how things were going to play out. I read the book in a day because I was very invested in the story. However, that isn’t to say that I enjoyed this book one bit. The story follows Emma, whose husband has passed away, but years later finds love again and is engaged. But, here’s the kicker; her husband is alive, and coming back to her.

This book was frustrating because the author took all of the guess work of who she was going to end up with out of the story. I knew where Emma’s heart lived, and I didn’t agree with it. And, the way she went about things in this book was just not right. If you have read this book you know what mean. Let’s just say cheating was a thing in this book, but I’m not even sure it can be called cheating. It was very confusing.

The whole situation was a mess. Because Emma loved her husband but so much time had past that she was an entirely different person than she when they were married. But, could she really marry her fiancé knowing she had been given a second chance with her not-so-departed husband?

“Just because something isn’t meant to last a lifetime doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be.”

The book does take the second chance romance trope and flip it on its head. Because, Emma has a second chance not only with her husband, but her new fiancé happens to be an old friend that asked her out back in high school. So, what do you do when you get two second chances at love? Who do you belong with? For me it’s not even a question, but it’s a unique situation one that I can happily say I’ve never been in.

The thing this book had going for it wasn’t the plot, the characters, or even the romance – it was the writing. Taylor Jenkins Reid’s writing style is very easy to read, bordering on addictive. I can see why so many people adore this author. I am interested in picking up some more of her more popular books, since I’m sure they are just as well written. And, hopefully the plots of those books are more up my alley.

Overall, this book is a super quick one day romance read that deals with grief, second chances, and PTSD. Also, be aware that you might be able to predict the ending early on as I did but I know that doesn’t bother some readers. As for me, I probably won’t be watching the movie adaptation, and I think that kind of says it all.

In the comments, let me know if you are planning on watching the film. Please like and share this post with other readers. And, if you don’t already know, you can get post notifications by following my blog.

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Coraline | Book Review

About The Book
When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous.But there’s another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go.
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My Rating

I am a big fan of the Coraline animated film adaptation. It has become a staple October movie for me. I had read the book years ago, but wanted to give it a reread. And, I can say that I will probably reread it every October from now on.

The book was very fast paced, and I loved the setting. It is told in second person, but honestly I don’t really care how a book is told. First person, second person or even third person it is all the same to me.

The story follows Coraline, who moves into a new apartment building with her parents. The parents in this book are kind of neglectful, but by the end of the book, Coraline learns to appreciate her family.

“You’re going to stay here for ever and always.”

I enjoyed the character of Coraline, because I found her to be smart for her age, and not immature. However, she was a bit judgmental at times, but I chalked that up to her still being a kid. Also, who doesn’t love a sarcastic talking cat?

Overall, I liked the book equally as much as the film adaptation. The story was simple, but spooky. The writing made the plot come to life and I had a good time reading it.

In the comments, let me know your thoughts on the book. Don’t forget to give my blog a follow before you go!

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I Wish Was A Movie // Thriller Books

Hi Friends,
I love books as much as the next reader, but sometimes I read a book that I wish had been a movie instead. This might sound odd since there are movie adaptions of books. However, if I read the book before seeing the movie I cannot help but compare the two. And, usually the book wins. These are some thriller/horror books that I’ve read and haven’t read that I would preferr being a film.

The Violent Season by Sara Walters: I was lucky enough to get approved for an audiobook ARC copy from Netgalley. Unfortunately, I got 30% of the way through it and had to DNF the book. There wasn’t anything particularly horrible about the plot or characters. But the whole time I was listening to it I could only imagine it as a film. The plot was a bit all over the place, so I think seeing it would have been easier seeing the story play out on screen.

Wilder Girls by Rory Power: This is a feminist retelling of ‘Lord Of The Flies’ by William Golding. It is a sapphic horror that is said to be pretty dark at times. The plot follows a group of girls that must quarantine inside their school due to a deadly toxicson. This straight up seems like a thriller film. It’s like ‘The Faculty’ meets the Hulu Original series ‘Freakish’. I would totally watch this movie, but I’m not necessarily inclined to read the book.

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson: I can already see these books as Netflix original movies. I started the first book, but put it down before even making a dent in the story. The pacing was slow and didn’t grip me. I think that if these books were films or a mini series the drawn-out plot wouldn’t be so bad. Granted I didn’t get very far into story before setting it aside, so it could get better. However, I still think the this book series would be perfect to adapt for film or TV.

There you have the three books I would chose to be films over books. I want to note that these author are all incredible, which their work proves. It isn’t so much the writing, but the plot that screams movie. Before you go do all the fun things like, share and follow the blog.

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