These Books Will Self Destruct // Unhaul TBR

Hi Friends,
I have been seeing people do these self destruct or unhaul TBR posts and videos for a while. This year, I have made it a goal of mine to read more of my own books. So, I have picked 8 books from my shelves that must be read before the end of the year. If they don’t get read than they must be sold or donated. This is a good way to In courage me to read some books I’ve had forever, and remove unwanted books from my bookshelf.

Renegades by Marissa Meyer: I have a few unread Marissa Meyer books, but this is the first in a YA superhero series that sounds pretty interesting. If nothing less, I will discover whether or not I want to continue with the series.

Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas: I read 40% of this book a couple of years ago. However, I put it aside and never picked it back up. I read liking the story, but I’m unsure if I really care to read it anymore.

Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen: In 2014, I received this book from the publisher. It interested me back than, but my reading taste has changed a lot since than. Still, I want to give it a chance.

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: I am pretty positive that I won’t be picking this book up. Still, I could be wrong. The only reason I got the book was because I saw the move version, and wanted to read the book to compare it too.

Looking for Alaska by John Green: This book has been on my shelves for a long time now. However, I am hesitant to read it since I haven’t been a fan of any John Green book I have read. Yet, I want to read it before watching the new Hulu series based on the book.

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson: I tried reading this YA mystery, but I couldn’t get into it. Hopefully, the second time is a charm and it will keep me intrigued enough to want to keep reading. This book series is highly praised, so I want to learn what all the hype is about.

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith: This is actually a short read that I didn’t hate. Yet, the plot was slow moving and the romance was definitely a slow burn, which I don’t typically like. But, I still own it so I would like to finish it.

One Day in December by Josie Silver: This is another book that was sent to me that I haven’t read. I have been reading more adult books, so I think this is the perfect time for me to try to read it.

There you have the eight books that must be read by twenty-twenty three and like them, or must be unhauled. Please, share and like this post, and show your love for my blog by giving it a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

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