I Wrote FanFiction // Coffee Chat

Hi Friends,
Today I thought I would share something slightly embarrassing with you all. I use to write FanFiction. Now writing fanfic isn’t embarrassing in the slightest, but the terrible fanfic I wrote is cringe worthy.

I loved writing at a young age, and would come up with crazy stories for my favorite shows. The stories I wrote weren’t necessarily bad, but funny to look back on. The first one I ever wrote was about ‘Phil Of The Future,’ which was a super cheesy Disney Channel show. It was about this family from the future. I am not sure what time they were from, but I want to say it was the year 2525. They end up getting stuck in the past, which was our present at the time.

In my story, Phil and his family finally make it home. But this means Phil has to say goodbye to his best friend, Keely. He ends up trying to find her in the future. Thus, my story was called ‘Finding Future Keely.’ Aly Michalka played Keely, and if you know anything about her she has a younger sister AJ. So, I imagined that AJ would play her great granddaughter in the future that Phil meets.

The next story was a fanfiction of this underrated French animated series ‘Code Lyoko.’ In the show, these group of 4 kids find a super computer that transports 3 of them to a cyber world where they all have special abilities. They meet Aelita, who is a virtual girl, about their age, that lives in Lyoko. However, when they turned on the computer it awoke Xana who is sort of this evil computer virus that is trying to destroy the world. Now, they must help Aelita stop all of Xana’s evil cyber attacks.

My story was called ‘Lyoko Lockdown’ where Aelita and the other get stuck in Lyoko. It is up to Jeremie their friend and tech genius, who is not in Lyoko, to help get them out before Xana does something horrible. It was a fun story and a silly story, and I honestly didn’t know where I was going with it.

Lastly, I wrote the beginning of what was going to be a Destiel (Supernatural’s Dean and Castiel) story.It was going to be completely smuty. But, again I had no clear direction for the story. None of these stories actually got completed, and writing wasn’t my best. Grammar and spelling were, in my opinion, terrible.

I don’t even know if you can find my ‘Phil Of The Future’ or ‘Code Lyoko’ storie on the fanfiction website anymore. Yep, I posted them online. However, I never posted my Destiel one, since it was literally one page long. I hope that you enjoyed this post about my short lived time as a fanfiction writer. Please leave me a comment letting me know if you ever wrote or still write fanfiction. Also, what are some of your favorite stories? Don’t forget to share and like this post. If you want more posts like this follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

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