Bookish, Blogging & More // 2024 Goals

Hi Friends,
Happy New Year! The fact that it is 2024 is simply mind boggling, since I don’t think I have even fully processed 2020 yet. But, ready or not, a New Year is here, which means new goals. Or, as some call them, resolutions. Just like last year, I’m going to be sharing with you my bookish, blog, and personal goals for the year ahead.

Blog Goals
– Stay Consistent: I feel like this will always be a goal of mine. I want to continue to be consistent on my blog. Unfortunately, Bookmas (although wonderful) was a fail for me in 2023. So, I am hoping that I can keep posting regularly this year, and have a successful 2024 Bookmas.
– Don’t Compare: I think all content creators are guilty of comparing themselves to others. I would like to stop doing that, and focus on my content. Specifically, posting what I like to post. My blog has always been my own little corner of the internet, and I’d like to remind myself that everyone is different.
– Engage: It would be awesome if I could engage in the book community more. This is something that I started doing at the end of 2023, and I am so happy about that. I want to start commenting on Instagram and blog posts more often. It has been so much fun connecting with people in the bookish community. Hopefully, I can keep that up in 2024.

Bookish Goals
– Physical TBR: I have no idea the number of unread books I own, but it’s probably at least 100. This year, I would like to make an effort to read the books I own.
– Different Genres: I am always telling myself that I’m going to read books that are out of my comfort zone, and never do. So, something that I will be trying to do is reading books from all types of genres – including ones I don’t normally gravitate towards.
– Blacklist Books: I can be guilty of reading only new and popular titles so I am hoping that in 2024 I can make it the year of backlist books. Of course, I will read some new releases, but I have a lot of older books that I want to read this year as well.

Personal Goals
– Stress Less: This is way easier said than done. I am typically a ball of stress, even on anxiety medication, but I am going to try and be stress free in 2024.
– Baby E: In last years post I mentioned that I wanted to get pregnant. Well, we are going on trying for two years now with no success, but I truly believe that this will be our year!
– Travel: I would love to travel this year, since I did absolutely no traveling in 2023. I have some places that I would love to visit and cross off my bucket list.

In the comments, let me know some of your goals or resolutions for the New Year. And, one last thing. Like last year, my reading goal will be 100 books. If I hit it, that would be great! But if not, that’s fine too. Before you leave, ring in the New Year by following my blog!

Until The Next Chapter,

This Or That // Holiday Edition

Hi Friends,
Today is Bookmas, day 17! I’m doing my own little version of a holiday ‘This or That’ tag. I found some holiday ‘This or That’ questions on Pinterest, and thought I’d turn it into a little tag. As you know, I love doing tag posts, whether they are bookish or not.

Build A Snowman or Make A Snow Angel
I’ve actually done both of these in my life, but I’m going to have to go with build a snowman. I think it’s way more fun and less risk of catching a cold than making a snow Angel.

Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider
This one is hard, because they are both so tasty. However, I have been loving hot chocolate this holiday season. It seems that in the winter time, my night isn’t complete without a warm cup of hot chocolate.

Gingerbread or Peppermint
Hear me out, I’m a peppermint girl, through and through, but during the holidays give me all the gingerbread flavored stuff. Thus, I’m saying gingerbread (but I still do love peppermint everything).

Skiing or Ice Skating
Unfortunately, I have never been skiing, but I would like to. I did take ice skating lessons for a short period of time when I was a teenager. Fun fact – one of my favorite movies use to be ‘Ice Princess’, so of course I’m going to have to say ice skating. For nostalgia.

Clear Lights or Colorful Lights
I love the look of clear lights, because they are very clean and simplistic. But, I think that colorful lights scream the holidays, which is why they would be my pick.

Cookie Decorating or Gingerbread House Making
Every year my family does a gingerbread house making competition, but we also make and decorate cookies. There are pros and cons to both, but despite the fact that you can’t eat a gingerbread house (I guess it depends on the freshness), I still would rather make one than decorate cookies. I know, I’m strange.

Heated Blanket or Cozy Fireplace
Unfortunately, I don’t have a fireplace in my house, but I use to in my first apartment. Although, I love a good heated blanket, nothing beat a fireplace. For me they are timeless, beautiful, and classy.

Home For The Holidays or Traveling
This one is hard, because I would give anything to spend the holidays in New York, or England. However, there is just something special about spending the holidays at home with family. So, traveling during the winter season, but I’d rather be home on the actual holiday.

Christmas Movies or Christmas Carols
This is probably one of the hardest questions, because I love them both. But, I’m truly a music lover. I am going to have to say Christmas carols. I could fall asleep listening to Silent Night, and be content.

Christmas or New Year
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but as much as I love Christmas, I’m a New Year’s girl. My favorite day of the year is New Year’s Eve because you have a whole new year full of new possibilities to look forward to.

There you have my holiday ‘This or That’ tag. Feel free to do this on your own blog, and please let me know if you do. I would love to see all of your answers. As always, you can show your support for my blog by giving it a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Happy Thanksgiving // Thankful Thursday

Hi Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for all my amazing readers. This year, my little book blog has grown so much, and a few days ago I surpassed my views from last year. It is crazy to me that I started Books With Bunny in 2021, and in that first year of blogging I was lucky enough to have over 900 views by the end of the year. This blog has become something that I am incredibly thankful to have in my life.

I hope that everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving Day. And, if you aren’t celebrating today I hope that your day is just as special.

Until The Next Chapter,

This Week // Thankful Thursday

Hi Friday,
Now that it’s November, I will once again be doing ‘Thankful Thursday!’ This is just a series of posts, where every Thursday in November there will be a post that has to do with being thankful. To kick off the series, I am going to talk about three things that I am thankful for this week. Also, I am not including my family or husband on this list because I am always thankful for them.

Although I am always grateful for my fur babies, this week, I have taken the time to appreciate them a lot more. Sometimes being a pet owner can be stressful, but I am so glad that I have these crazy animals in my life.

This might seem silly, but I am so happy that we have bookstores. Yes, I know I can just shop for books online, but there is something different about going into a bookstore. I love shopping the shelves and bringing home a new book. Hopefully, bookstores will never fade away.

I am a winter girlie, so I love that it is starting to get colder. I love wearing sweaters and bundling up in a cozy blanket. Nothing beat a cold winter morning, drinking hot coffee and reading a fall or holiday book.

I am sure that there are a million more things that I am thankful for this week, but if I listed all of them, this post would be very long. So, I am just going to leave you with these three. In the comments, tell me, one thing you are thankful for this week. Do not forget to help support my blog by giving it a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Halloween Tag // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Happy Halloween! Today, I am going to be doing the “Halloween Tag” this lifestyle tag was created years ago, 2011 to be exact, by some popular YouTubers at the time. I have been wanting to do a Halloween tag for a while and what better day to post one than the holiday itself.

I know that this film does not take place on Halloween, but lets face it most of us probably watch it in October. My husband and I always celebrate our anniversary, which just so happens to be October 31st, by watching a movie about marriage. Therefore, probably for this reason alone makes it my favorite Halloween film, but it is also a great movie with wonderful songs.

Do people actually remember when they stopped going trick-or-treating? Because, my 31 year old self does not. Honestly, it was probably by the time that I was 10 or 11 years old. I am the youngest out of five, so when my older siblings stopped caring to trick-or-treat, I probably did too.

This is going to be very basic but my favorite costume is going to have to be Sally from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I did not have a huge wedding, but I and my husband got married on Halloween dressed as Jack and Sally from the movie. Three years later, I still have my Sally dress.

We usually just stay in on Halloween. I am going to stay in my pjs, read, and watch movies. So, no dressing up for me. However, if I were to dress up, I would go as Lydia Deetz (from ‘Beetlejuice’) in the red wedding dress.

Nope! I am 100% a horror movie girlie, but I have no desire to put myself in a scary situation, despite it being all for fun. I like to keep my hauntings in book and movie form.

This is difficult because both are awesome. However, I am going to say, vampires. I love me a good vampire story, and I find vampires to be way sexier than werewolves. Even though my husband likes to joke, the werewolves never wear shirts.

I do have a sweet tooth, but Reese’s are probably my favorite candy. I actually do not like peanut butter at all, except in a Reese’s. If I got to choose two candies my second would for sure be Sour Patch Kids, which I think everyone loves.

Of course! I admit that I am not the best decorator, but I do love, putting up a few Halloween decorations. I think decorating makes holidays come to life a little more.

My least favorite costume, which is also the one I have the most memories of, is The Statue Of Liberty. Not only was I just wrapped in sliver fabric, but my third-grade teacher was also The Statue Of Liberty. My 8 year old self was very embarrassed, and I looked like I was a left over wrapped in foil.

I know that I was a witch a few times, but I remember being Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” twice. Many of our costumes were homemade, but my mom actually bought my Belle dress from the Disney store, and I was obsessed with it.

Yes! I think that if you do not believe in ghosts, you are being closed-minded. Sometimes, seeing is not always believing. Sometimes you just have to believe in the unknown.

I have no idea what this means because my Halloweens have been pretty normal. I have never had a traumatic or scary Halloween. I am grateful for this to be the case.

This tag was so fun to do, and I tag anyone who would like to do it. I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween. Please celebrate the holiday by giving my blog a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Birthday Bookish Wishlist // My 31st Birthday

Hi Friends,
My 31st birthday is on June 27th, so I thought it would be fun to share some of the books that are on my wishlist this year. Like most people, I typically don’t ask for anything for my birthday, but my family loves to spoil each other on our birthdays.

In the comments, let me know if you are a June baby too! And, click here to view my complete book wishlist. Before you go, celebrate my birthday by hitting the follow button.

Until The Next Chapter,

New In My Etsy Shop // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
I believe I’ve mentioned before that I run a bookish etsy shop. I sell mugs, tumblrs and soon shirts. I wanted to show off some if my new releases.

You can visit my Etsy shop here and right now I am offering free shipping. Please let me know what you think of my new releases in the comments below.

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish, Blogging & More // 2023 Goals

Hi Friends,
Happy New Year! I cannot believe that it is practically 2023. This year was insane but pretty good if I do say so myself. Fun fact, New Year’s Eve is my favorite day of the year. I like how everything starts over when a new year comes, and there are new possibilities. Today, I will be sharing my New Year bookish and blogging resolutions!

Blog Goals
– Stay Consistent: I think that I’m fairly consistent when it comes to my blog, but I would like to have more of a schedule. I try to post 3 days a week, so I’m hoping I can keep that up in the New Year.
– Grow: Followers are not the reason I blog, but I would love to grow my community. I always get so excited when I get a new follower because it means that you enjoy my content.
– Socials: I am going to try and be more active on my socials. If you don’t know I have a Bookstagram, Twitter and Booktok account! You can find me as BooksWithBunny on all my socials. I would like to post multiple times a week on all my accounts.

Bookish Goals
– Read Before Buying: Honestly, this probably won’t work out for me but I would like to only buy books I’ve read. I feel so guilty when I buy a book and end up DNFing or not liking it.
– Read My Shelf: This was a goal of mine in 2022, but I would still like to read more of my owned books.
– Finish Series: There are some book series that I have been reading for what feels like ever. I would like to complete at least one series per season (spring, summer, fall and winter).

Personal Goals
– Mental Health: This was also a goal of mine from last year, but I did a horrible job taking care of my mental health in 2022. So, this year I’m going to make my mental well-being more of a priority.
– Yoga Teacher: Currently, I’m working towards getting my yoga teacher certification! I would love to be done with the program early 2023. Hopefully, I can start teaching yoga soon.
– Baby Fever: This is a very personal goal for me but I am hopeful that I will grow my family in 2023. I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year, and I’m trying to believe that this year it will happen.

In the comments, let me know if you make resolutions or goals for the New Year. And, if you do what are your top goals? Before you leave, ring in the New Year by following my blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Winter Wonderland Tag // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Since it is getting a lot colder here and the holidays have arrived I thought it would be fun to do a winter tag. This isn’t a bookish tag, but it does contain some fun wintery questions.

1.) What is your favorite winter /fall song?
This is a hard one, because I’m always listening to music. For fall song that would be ‘Safe and Sound’ by Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars. The song gives me major fall vibes. I don’t have a go to winter song, because by the time winter comes I am mostly just listening to Christmas music.

2.) What is your favorite winter/fall pajamas?
Every year on Christmas eve I get a new pair of pjs, so my current favorite winter pajamas would have to be the ones I received last year. They are from Lauren Conrad’s Kohls fashion line and they are so cute. They are cozy, christmasy and not too warm, which is perfect for someone who is always hot, like me.

3.) What is your favorite winter/fall item that makes you happy?
This scarf is my absolute favorite fall/winter fashion piece. A few years back, I searched everywhere for a scarf like this and it is my go to scarf. The colors remind me of Thanksgiving and I love it.

4.) What is your favorite winter/fall thing to do?
Read holiday books and watch holiday movies! I love snuggling up in bed with a cute Christmas movie or book and a warm drink. It is the best way to spend a chilly winter night in.

5.) What is your favorite winter/fall drink?
I am going to branch out from the typical Starbucks drink answer even though their White Mocha is a forever favorite of mine. I am going to say a milkshake, and yes a milkshake counts as a drink. The peppermint milkshake at Chick-Fa-La is delicious and my favorite winter beverage. As weird as that might be.

6.) What is your favorite winter/fall movie?
‘The Princess Switch’ trilogy is the best trilogy of all time! I could watch these movies anytime of the year, but especially at winter time. Honestly, the first movie ‘The Princess Switch’ is my favorite movie ever!

7.) What changes during your winter/fall routine?
I sleep in a lot. For some reason, during the cold months I just don’t want to get out of bed in the mornings. This isn’t uncommon for me all year long, since I hate mornings, but something about winter makes me want to sleep in everyday of the week.

8.) What are you asking for, for Christmas or Hannukah / holidays?
A Tiffany’s Necklace! Just kidding, kind of. I don’t tend to ask for things, because I tend to buy myself things throughout the year. But, books are always appreciated. I normally just share my Amazon wishlist with my family.

In the comments, let me know your favorite fall/winter song, since I am always looking for new music. Don’t forget to like this post so that you get notified whenever there is a new post. I mainly post bookish content, but every now and then I do fun non-bookish posts too.

Until The Next Chapter,

30th Birthday Bookish Wishlist // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
June is my birth month, so I thought it would be fun to share my birthday wishlist. Although, getting gifts aren’t important to me at all there are some books that I would like to buy or receive for my birthday. Do I need more books? No. Does that stop me from wanting more? Absolutely no.

Honestly, those are all the books at the top of my wishlist as of now. However, I am probably missing quiet a few. If you would like to see my full Amazon book wishlist feel free to do so by clicking here. In the comments, tell me what is the number on thing on your wishlist bookish or otherwise. Please send me love by following my little book blog.

Until The Next Chapter,