Bookish, Blogging & More // 2024 Goals

Hi Friends,
Happy New Year! The fact that it is 2024 is simply mind boggling, since I don’t think I have even fully processed 2020 yet. But, ready or not, a New Year is here, which means new goals. Or, as some call them, resolutions. Just like last year, I’m going to be sharing with you my bookish, blog, and personal goals for the year ahead.

Blog Goals
– Stay Consistent: I feel like this will always be a goal of mine. I want to continue to be consistent on my blog. Unfortunately, Bookmas (although wonderful) was a fail for me in 2023. So, I am hoping that I can keep posting regularly this year, and have a successful 2024 Bookmas.
– Don’t Compare: I think all content creators are guilty of comparing themselves to others. I would like to stop doing that, and focus on my content. Specifically, posting what I like to post. My blog has always been my own little corner of the internet, and I’d like to remind myself that everyone is different.
– Engage: It would be awesome if I could engage in the book community more. This is something that I started doing at the end of 2023, and I am so happy about that. I want to start commenting on Instagram and blog posts more often. It has been so much fun connecting with people in the bookish community. Hopefully, I can keep that up in 2024.

Bookish Goals
– Physical TBR: I have no idea the number of unread books I own, but it’s probably at least 100. This year, I would like to make an effort to read the books I own.
– Different Genres: I am always telling myself that I’m going to read books that are out of my comfort zone, and never do. So, something that I will be trying to do is reading books from all types of genres – including ones I don’t normally gravitate towards.
– Blacklist Books: I can be guilty of reading only new and popular titles so I am hoping that in 2024 I can make it the year of backlist books. Of course, I will read some new releases, but I have a lot of older books that I want to read this year as well.

Personal Goals
– Stress Less: This is way easier said than done. I am typically a ball of stress, even on anxiety medication, but I am going to try and be stress free in 2024.
– Baby E: In last years post I mentioned that I wanted to get pregnant. Well, we are going on trying for two years now with no success, but I truly believe that this will be our year!
– Travel: I would love to travel this year, since I did absolutely no traveling in 2023. I have some places that I would love to visit and cross off my bucket list.

In the comments, let me know some of your goals or resolutions for the New Year. And, one last thing. Like last year, my reading goal will be 100 books. If I hit it, that would be great! But if not, that’s fine too. Before you leave, ring in the New Year by following my blog!

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish, Blogging & More // 2023 Goals

Hi Friends,
Happy New Year! I cannot believe that it is practically 2023. This year was insane but pretty good if I do say so myself. Fun fact, New Year’s Eve is my favorite day of the year. I like how everything starts over when a new year comes, and there are new possibilities. Today, I will be sharing my New Year bookish and blogging resolutions!

Blog Goals
– Stay Consistent: I think that I’m fairly consistent when it comes to my blog, but I would like to have more of a schedule. I try to post 3 days a week, so I’m hoping I can keep that up in the New Year.
– Grow: Followers are not the reason I blog, but I would love to grow my community. I always get so excited when I get a new follower because it means that you enjoy my content.
– Socials: I am going to try and be more active on my socials. If you don’t know I have a Bookstagram, Twitter and Booktok account! You can find me as BooksWithBunny on all my socials. I would like to post multiple times a week on all my accounts.

Bookish Goals
– Read Before Buying: Honestly, this probably won’t work out for me but I would like to only buy books I’ve read. I feel so guilty when I buy a book and end up DNFing or not liking it.
– Read My Shelf: This was a goal of mine in 2022, but I would still like to read more of my owned books.
– Finish Series: There are some book series that I have been reading for what feels like ever. I would like to complete at least one series per season (spring, summer, fall and winter).

Personal Goals
– Mental Health: This was also a goal of mine from last year, but I did a horrible job taking care of my mental health in 2022. So, this year I’m going to make my mental well-being more of a priority.
– Yoga Teacher: Currently, I’m working towards getting my yoga teacher certification! I would love to be done with the program early 2023. Hopefully, I can start teaching yoga soon.
– Baby Fever: This is a very personal goal for me but I am hopeful that I will grow my family in 2023. I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year, and I’m trying to believe that this year it will happen.

In the comments, let me know if you make resolutions or goals for the New Year. And, if you do what are your top goals? Before you leave, ring in the New Year by following my blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Quarter Year Crisis // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
I have been seeing ‘The Quarter Year Crisis’ book tag making its way around the bookish community. This tag is similar to the ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout‘ tag. Since I love doing the mid-year tag I decided that it would be fun to do the quarter year one as well. The tag was created by Booktuber Roisin’s Reading, and I recommend you check out her channel.

How many books have you read so far?

I have only read 21 books, which I think is pretty good. I have never actually read more than two books a month, so I am proud of myself for reading more than I every thought I could in a month.

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2022 favorite?

I am not going to lie, but most of the books I have read thus far have been 3 star reads. However, ‘You’ll Be the Death of Me‘ by Karen M. McManus will most likely make it on to my favorites of the year list. This doesn’t really come as a surprise, since her book ‘One Of Us Is Lying‘ was a 2021 favorite of mine.

What was your favorite book you read that wasn’t quite five stars?

Probably, going to have to go with ‘Radio Silence‘ by Alice Oseman, yes she is author of the widely popular graphic novel series ‘Heartstopper‘. This book was really good and the message was amazing. I gave the book 4.5 stars, so it was just barely a 5 star read for me. If you want more of my thoughts on the book you can read my review of it.

Any 1 star books / least favorite book of the year?

I have had a few disappointing reads in the past few months, but the one that stands out the most is ‘You’ve Reached Sam‘ by Dustin Thao. I have also done a review of this book, so I don’t want to talk to much about it. But, this book was such a letdown.

Most read genre so far?

100% contemporary! This doesn’t come as a shock since YA contemporary has always been my most read genre. Yet, I think as the year progresses YA horrors and thrillers might beat out contemporary books.

A book that surprised you?

This would have to be ‘Horrid‘ by Katrina Leno. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting going into this book, but I really enjoyed it. For some reason I didn’t think I would like it as much as I did. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

Book that’s come out in 2022 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

This is an easy one for me, but that would be ‘Blaine for the Win‘ by Robbie Couch. Technically the book was released on April 12th, yet the audiobook isn’t out until May 10th. As most of you know, I am an audiobook addict which is why I have already pre-ordered my copy of the audiobook. I cannot wait to dive into this book.

One goal you’ve made that you’re succeeding at?

This isn’t a bookish goal, but a blogging one. In my 2022 goal post I talked about how I wanted to broaden my blog content. I think that I have been doing pretty good on posting some lifestyle content in addition to bookish posts. I do ‘Toss-Up Tuesday‘, which is when I usually post my non-book content. I have been liking doing those posts and hope to make them more of a regular things.

One goal you made that you need to focus on?

This is a bookish goal, and it is to read the books that I own. I have been very inconsistent with reading from my bookshelves. There are so many new releases that I want to get to that I forget to read the books I already own. I hope to make my owned TBR more of a priority as the year goes on.

New to you Booktubers/bookstagrammers/booktokers for 2022 that you recommend?

I have just started Booktok so I don’t really have any recommendations there (unless you count myself @bookswithbunny). I do have a bookstagram, but don’t really have any account recommendations since I mainly going on Instagram to see cute comics. As for Booktube, I recommend Julie Janis Books and LiterallyLo. They always make great bookish content.

I hope that you enjoyed this tag. If you like this kind of tag, follow my blog so you don’t miss out on when I post my ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout’ tag. I want to tag all my fellow book bloggers, so leave a comment letting me know if you do the tag.

Until The Next Chapter,

Tips For Productivity And Motivation

Hi Friends,
I am very happy that 2022 has arrived. I feel like every new year is a time to reflect, set goals, and have a fresh start. I have made my goals for the year, but I want to share some things that I will be implementing in order to stay productive and motivated. I know that everyone’s life is different, but I still hope that you can get something out of this post.

Vision Board: I have never been a vision board kind of girl. However, I do believe that creating one can help give you a visual and clear view of your hopes for the year. The easiest way to create a vision board is by using Pinterest. You can make the board private or public, depending on your preference. I am a big supporter of dreaming big, but try to keep your goals within the realm of possibility, as well.

Make A Plan: One of my biggest tips for staying on top of your game is to make some sort of list or plan. Now you don’t have to be this major planner lover, but I encourage you to plan at least for the important tasks. Something as simple as making a list of your goals for the month can minimize stress, and help you accomplish more.

Limit Screen Time: I think we are all guilty of this, myself included, but we spend way too much time staring at a screen. This can be scrolling on social media, playing video games, or watching television. It isn’t the healthy thing, or the best use of our time. I am not going to preach about how TV kills brain cells or video games encourage violence, because I don’t buy into that nonsense. However, it is good to limit your screen time, so you can get the most out of your days. Try to disconnect from social media two hours before bed, or turn off the computer by 5 pm. I believe that this can really help productivity in the long run.

Environment: A big key to staying productive and motivated is having a nice, clean, and peaceful environment. I know that for some, their surroundings are…less than ideal. But try to work with what you have. If possible, find a place to call your own, where you can effectively work. Make it one that makes you feel happy and energized. Also, a good idea to switch up your surroundings every once in a while. Try working outside, or even at a coffee shop, for a nice change of scenery.

Reward Yourself: Who says bribery doesn’t work? I know that a way to help me stay motivated all week is to set little accomplishment rewards for myself. These rewards can be as small as an at-home spa day, Starbucks, or a cheat meal. Remember, prizes do not replace the feeling that comes with completing weekly tasks, but they are a nice treat.

I hope that you found this post helpful, and here’s to a productive 2022. Share your thoughts on this post, and other tips you might have in the comments. If you’d like to support my blog, give a follow! It’s totally free, and you get updates on new content.

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish, Blog & More // 2022 Goals

Hi Friends,
In this post, I am going to be sharing my bookish, blog and personal resolutions. I love the start of a New Year because it means new beginnings and adventures. I always like to make resolutions even if I sometimes don’t stick to them.

Blog Goals
– Be More Flexible: I don’t want to be so hard on myself when it comes to a posting schedule. I try to post three times a week, but I don’t want to stress out if that isn’t always possible.
– Branch Out: This is a book blog, and books will forever be the main focus. However, I want to post some lifestyle content every once in a while. I would like to share my other interests outside of books.
– Engage More: I want to read more blogs and engage with other bloggers. I don’t ever seem to make time to read blogs, which is something I hope to change.

Bookish Goals
– GoodReads Goal: As per-usual I would like to achieve my GoodReads goal. I have set it at 50 books, and I think it is doable.
– Read My Shelf: I own a lot of unread books, and that stresses me out. I want to make reading my own books a priority this year.
– Backlist Books: I tend to pick up new releases or hyped books. This year, I want to make an effort of reading older titles that I never got around too.

Personal Goals
– Mental Health: My mental health is very important to me. I want to remember to stay on top of my mental health, and take care of myself.
– Routine: I would like to have more of a set morning and night routine. Something that will put me in a good mood, and help start the day off right. As for night, I want to have a routine that I can look forward to at the end of the day.
– Stay Active: I wouldn’t say that I am not an active person, but I do go weeks without doing any kind of fitness. I would like to consistently be active and healthy.

Those are some of my goals for the year. I have other goals, and one major personal goal. But I thought I would just share a few with you all. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? What are some of yours? Don’t forget to start off the year right by following my blog!

Until The Next Chapter,