Books I Regret Buying #1 // Spring 2022

Hi Friends,
If you watch beauty videos on YouTube or follow beauty blogs than I guarantee you have seen people talk about the products they regret buying. Well, I thought it would be fun to do a bookish twist on this type of post. I am going to be talking about the books that I regret buying.

Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix
Actually, I didn’t buy this book, but I was gifted it for Christmas 2021. I received it from my older brother after adding it to my Christmas wishlist. At the time, I hadn’t read the book, but after reading it I instantly regretted wanting it. I was not a fan of the book at all. It was even on my worst books of 2021 list. Honestly, I don’t get how this book became so popular, but maybe I just wasn’t the reader for it.

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao
This was another Christmas gift, but I was with my mom when she bought it for me. So, I am counting this as a book that I bought. By now you all should probably know how much of a disappointment this book was for me. I thought the premise sounded amazing but the story fell flat. This book is loved by a lot of readers, so I might be alone in my dislike of it. I kind of wish that I had read it before asking for it.

You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn
I have a review up on this book, which goes into more detail about why I didn’t like it. However, I thought this would be a cute Nashville (the TV show) type of read. But, the book was filled with way too much drama and heavy plot points. Also, I wasn’t a big fan of the writing style or characters. It was just a little boring in my opinion.

A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Lee Dugard
This book is a pretty hard read, but I bought the ebook copy when it was released back in 2011. I used to be really into stories that dealt with kidnapping or just sexual abuse in general. Partly because I was a big fan of ‘Law and Order’, but mainly because I think that sexual abuse is horrific especially if it involves a minor. I used to be very interested in the thought of stopping sex crimes whether that meant being a lawyer or FBI agent (I am a dreamer). Any who, this book was not my cup of tea. I understand this is Jaycee’s real experience but she was to nice in how she talked about her abuser. And, you could tell there was some Stockholm syndrome there that wasn’t touched on. I couldn’t even finish the book, and will never pick it up again.

Looking For Alaska by John Green
Now I could mention ‘The Fault In Our Stars‘ and ‘Paper Towns’ as well, because I do regret buying and reading them. However, I haven’t read this book yet and can’t for the life of me fathom why I thought it was a good idea to buy it. Something about me and John Green books don’t mix. I haven’t liked any book I have read from him, with the exception of ‘Let It Snow’, but his story was my least favorite out of the three. This book is on my ‘These Books Will Self Destruct‘ challenge and honestly I don’t even care enough to give it a chance.

I probably rambled a little about the last two books, so I am going to stop here. If you want to see part two of this post let me know in the comments. Sadly, I am sure there are more books that I regret buying. I keep telling myself to stop buying books I haven’t read, but I don’t listen to my own advice. Before you go, give my little book blog a follow because it really helps me grow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Friday Reads #3

Hi Friends,
It’s time for another Friday reads post. In these posts I will share what I plan on reading throughout the weekend. I usually have some ambitions reading plans especially since I am 4 books behind in my reading goal.

“Fans of I Was Here by Gayle Forman and Far from the Tree by Robin Benway will be floored by this heartbreaking yet uplifting teen novel about a grieving girl who follows a mysterious list across the country after her older sister’s death.”

“What’s better than one deliciously cozy, swoon-worthy holiday story? Four of them, from some of today’s bestselling authors.”

“Looking for Alaska brilliantly chronicles the indelible impact one life can have on another. A modern classic, this stunning debut marked #1 bestselling author John Green’s arrival as a groundbreaking new voice in contemporary fiction.”

“In this New York Times bestselling sequel to Kerri Maniscalco’s haunting #1 debut Stalking Jack the Ripper, bizarre murders are discovered in the castle of Prince Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Dracula. Could it be a copycat killer . . . or has the depraved prince been brought back to life?”

“From the author of You Must Not Miss comes a haunting contemporary horror novel that explores themes of mental illness, rage, and grief, twisted with spine-chilling elements of Stephen King and Agatha Christie.”

Yep, I most likely will not get to all these books but I am sure as hell going to try. I have been wanting to get some of these books for a while, and what better time than the present. Let me know what you are reading this weekend in the comments. And, give my blog a follow to get notifications for all my bookish posts.

Until The Next Chapter,