Hi Friends,
Summer is almost over! Although I am a June baby, summer is one of my least favorable seasons. However, before I say goodbye to summertime, I wanted to do a summer book tag. I found the ‘Summers Vibe’ tag on the blog ‘Confessions of a Serial Reader.’ It seemed like just the tag I was looking for, and the perfect bookish way to say farewell to summer.
• Mention the creator and link back to the original post! (Deanna @ The Comfy Reader)
• Thank the blogger who tagged you
• Answer all the prompts below however you see fit
• Tag some friends!

Honestly, the first book to come to mind was ‘The Island’ by Natasha Preston. This book is a YA thriller about an amusement park and influencers on a remote island. Although it is a thriller, it does have tropical vibes.

Actually, I dnfed this book, but it’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’ by Maggie Knox. I wanted to like this book, so much, but I could not get into it. However, if you are a fan of musical competition shows, think American Idol and forced proximity romance then give it a read.

I’m going to go with ‘You Shouldn’t Have Come’ by Jeneva Rose, because this book is all about secrets. This is a decent adult thriller with an ending twist that I do not think most readers will see coming.

I think ‘The Summer of Broken Rules’ is a perfect beach read. The Martha’s Vineyard setting will put you in a summer mood. In addition, I loved the fact that the book was more than just a light fluffy romance.

So, I am going to say that smutty books have become guilty pleasures of mine. I guess the genre is technically called Erotic Romance, but I have been enjoying dabbling in it.

I saw someone else mentioning this book in their post, and I have to agree that the friend group in ‘One of Us Is Back’ by Karen McManus is amazing. Throughout the entire ‘One Of Us’ trilogy this group of unlikely friends have become each others ride-or-die, which I love. It is almost as if this thriller series had an underlying found family element.
Related Post: One Of Us Is Back // Book Review

I loved the adventure aspect of the ‘Daughter of the Pirate King’ by Tricia Levenseller. As you can tell from the title, this is a pirate book, and I loved very second of it. There is a badass female main character, romance, and dangerous quest. It does not get any better than that!

I wanted to like Holly Jackson’s ‘Five Survive‘ considering how I feel about ‘As Good As Dead.’ Unfortunately, for me, it was my biggest reading disappointment of the year so far.
Related Post: Five Survive // Book Review

What else would I choose but a lighthearted contemporary? So, I’d say that ‘The Do-Over’ by Lynn Painter is definitely a fluffy YA romance. It is a Valentine’s Day read that has a ground-hogs day trope twist to it.
Related Post: The Do-Over // Book Review

There were probably way too many characters I could have gone with for this question, but I decided to go with Jade from ‘Lying In The Deep’ by Diana Urban. She was such an annoying main character and got on my nerves the entire time I read the book.
Now, it is time to tag some fellow book bloggers I’d like to see do this post. First, Dedra at ‘A Book Wanderer‘ and next Allison at ‘Read With Allison.’ Both blogs are amazing, and I recommend visiting them if you want more book content. Also, follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, so you never miss a post. You can also become a member of my ‘The Reading Rabbits‘ book club on the Novellic app. And, as always, do not forget to follow the blog because it really does make my day.
Until The Next Chapter,