Currently Reading | Update & Thoughts (September 9, 2024)

Hi Friends,
Today, I thought I’d give a quick reading update and chat about the books I’m currently diving into. I used to be so good at sticking to just one book at a time, but now I can’t help but read multiple books at once. I think it’s because I’m such a mood reader—I always need a book from a different genre on hand so I can pick up whatever fits my mood in the moment.

A Touch Of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair
I’m about 50% into this one, and I’m absolutely loving it. It took me a bit to get into, but once it hooked me, I couldn’t put it down! Honestly, right now it’s giving me 5-star feels, and I can’t wait to see how it ends.

We Used To Live Here by Marcus Kliewer
I’m also 50% into this one, but I’ve got mixed feelings. I know this is a super popular thriller that a lot of people are raving about—it’s fast-paced with an interesting premise—but I’m just not that invested in the plot. The writing style isn’t my favorite, and it hasn’t captivated me yet. I’m hoping by the end I’ll understand all the hype!

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
I’m slowly making my way through this book and I’m only 35% in, but I’m really enjoying it so far. I can definitely see why it’s gotten so much attention. It’s giving me ‘Divergent’ and old-school YA fantasy vibes, and I’m living for the enemies-to-lovers romance. I can’t wait for the plot to pick up even more!
Related Post: Divergent|Book Review

Let me know in the comments what you’re reading, or if you’ve read any of these books—feel free to share your spoiler-free thoughts! And don’t forget to follow the blog for more updates!

Until The Next Chapter,

Friday Reads #20

Hi Friends,
Happy National Book Lovers Day! Since today is all about celebrating being a reader, I thought I’d do a quick Friday Reads. I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, but I wanted to share my weekend reading plans with you.

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston
I started this book yesterday and I’m already 30% through the audiobook. I’m enjoying the plot and am curious to see where the story goes. I’ll most likely finish this book soon.

Final Girls by Riley Sager
I’ve been on a Riley Sager kick recently, so I’m excited to read another one of their books. This is on my TBR for the month and should be a fairly quick read. I’m confident that I’ll be able to finish it this weekend.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman
I’ve been in the mood for fall lately, especially with the weather cooling off where I live. One of my favorite fall books that I read every year is ‘Coraline,’ so I’m hoping to binge it this weekend.
Related Post: Coraline | Book Review

There you have my weekend reading plans! Let me know what you’re currently reading or what you hope to read this weekend. Once again, happy National Book Lovers Day. Also, if you want to listen to ‘Coraline’ on audiobook, you should sign up for Everand, a great audiobook subscription service. You can get a free trial by using my link (click here). Before you go, make my day by hitting the follow button so you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,



Friday Reads #19

Hi Friends,
Happy Friday! Let us do a Friday reads and talk about some books I hope to get to this weekend. I hope to get a lot of reading done this weekend, so this might be a little ambitious. However, I think my reading is always ambitious, so what else is new?

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall
I am very excited to read this book. Everyone is talking about how good it is, and I cannot wait to see what the hype is about.

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
I am only about 10% into the book, but I love it thus far. The story gives me classic young adult fantasy, and it is exactly the type of book I want to read right now.

My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
I am definitely in the mood for a cute romcom. I will not want to read this book late in the month, since it is giving October vibes, so I am hoping to read it right at the start of November.

Accidentally Amy by Lynn Painter
I am a huge fan of Lynn Painter, and this book has been on my TBR for a long time. However, I have been saving it for the fall. The cover and mention of pumpkin spice lattes makes me think that this is the month to pick it up. I would love to start off the month reading a 5 star prediction.

Four books in three days might seem like a bit much, but I am nothing but an over-achiever. In the comments, let me know what you will be reading on this weekend. Share your favorite read from October. Before you go, hit the follow button so that you can never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,

Friday Reads #18

Hi Friends,
This is the last weekend in July. I have been reading like crazy, and now I am kind of in a reading slump. However, I hope that these books will pull me out of my reading slump.

The Legacies by Jessica Goodman
I am 30% into this YA thriller book and hope to be done with it soon. Right now, I am not loving it, but I am hoping that it will start to pick up.

When In Rome by Sarah Adams
I have been in the mood for a cute rom-com style adult romance. This book has been on my radar for a while and I own it, which is awesome since I am trying to read more books off my physical TBR. Hopefully, I will get to it by the end of the month.

Furyborn by Claire Legrand
This book has been on many Friday reads and TBRs. I just need to finish it! Since I am becoming more of a fantasy girlie, I think that I might finally be able to binge read the last 50% of this book.

In the comments, let me know what you are currently reading. Do not forget to like this post and follow this blog before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,

Xmas Evil in July 2023 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I am doing another readathon! I know, two readathons in one month, who am I? I will be taking part in the ‘Xmas Evil in July’ readathon that will run from July 16th – 31st. This is a Christmas in July inspired readathon, which I am here for. There are only three reading prompts, so they should be fairly easy to complete.

Read a Holiday Book
The first prompt is simple enough and that’s to just read any holiday book. I am most likely going to read ‘All I Want For Christmas‘ by Maggie Knox. I read ‘The Holiday Swap‘ by Knox last year and loved it, so I have high hopes for this book. However, I might pick up ‘Tis The Season For Revenge’ by Morgan Elizabeth as well (or instead of) but I’m not sure yet.
Related Post: The Holiday Swap // Book Review

Read a Book Set During Summer
This is a no brainer, because my Libby loan of ‘You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight‘ by Kalynn Bayron should be coming in very soon. I have been dying to read this summer YA slasher, and the audiobook is very short. I love a good short book for a readathon.

Read a Mood Read
Obviously, I can’t actually pick out a book for this prompt since I don’t know what I’m going to be in the mood for during the readathon. Although, I still need to read ‘The Summer of Broken Rules‘ by K. L. Walther, which is my book club read for the month. And, with the readathon taking place during the last two weeks of July, it might be nice to get one of my last summer reads out of the way.

There you have my quick little TBR. I will be trying to complete the photo prompts over on Instagram, so if you are not already following me, you should be. Of course, I’m @Books.With.Bunnys on the social media platform. For more details on the readathon, you can visit @xmasevilreadathon on Instagram. Don’t forget to show my blog some love by hitting the follow button before you leave.

Until The Next Chapter,

Friday Reads #14

Hi Friends,
I decided to do another Friday reads post because I’m pretty behind on my yearly reading goal. I have a weekend of reading planed in hopes to catch up. So, I have an ambitious weekend TBR.

‘White Smoke’ by Tiffany D. Jackson (55% Done)
This is a YA thriller about a haunted house. I’m really enjoying it and should be able to finish it about this weekend.

‘Furyborn’ by by Claire Legrand (30% Done)
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to complete the book this weekend, because I’ve been reading it since February. This is a really interesting YA fantasy.

‘Finale’ by Stephanie Garber (30% Done)
I flew by the two books in the Caraval trilogy, so I believe it will be a quick read. However, getting it read by this weekend might be a bit of a stretch.

‘Moment Of Truth’ by Kasie West (6% Done)
I typically can get a Kasie West book read in a day. I am confident that I’ll be able to have this book read once the weekend is over.

In the comments, let me know what you will be reading this weekend. Don’t forget to like this post and follow my blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Friday Reads #13

Hi Friends,
I decided to do a ‘Friday Reads’ post to share with you my weekend reading plans. Currently, I’m reading ‘The Housemaid‘ by Freida McFadden and I will for sure be finishing it this weekend. It’s a mystery thriller book that I’m really enjoying.

Next, I plan on making some progress on ‘Furyborn‘ by Claire Legrand. I’m hoping to get to the 50% mark by the end of the weekend. This is a YA fantasy that is a part of my 12 book challenge for 2023.

Lastly, I’m going to try and start ‘Part of Your World: A Twisted Tale‘ by Elizabeth J. Braswell. This is a retelling of ‘The Little Mermaid’ that I’m excited to get too.
Related Post: So This Is Love // Book Review

There you have the books I’m hoping to pick up this weekend. Hopefully I will finish two of them, but we’ll see how the weekend goes. In the comments, let me know what you are currently reading. Don’t forget to hit the follow button to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

Until The Next Chapter,

To Be Read // October 2021

Hi Friends,
It’s tbr time again! September was probably my worst reading month of the year, but I’m not mad about it. I hit my reading goal, and just needed a break from reading. However, I have tons of spooky reads that I want to pick up this month. I decided not to participate in any readathons since I didn’t want to put any pressure on myself when it came to reading.

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White
“A stunning and dark reimagining of Frankenstein told from the point-of-view of Elizabeth Lavenza, who is taken in by the Frankenstein family.”

The Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix
“In horror movies, the final girls are the ones left standing when the credits roll. They made it through the worst night of their lives…but what happens after?”

Girl in the Headlines by Hannah Jayne
“The headlines say she killed her family. The truth? She doesn’t remember. Another twisty thriller from the author of Truly, Madly, Deadly that will leave readers breathless.”

Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
“A perfect town is hiding secrets. Secrets that somebody would kill to keep hidden.”

Squad by Lisa Sterle, Maggie Tokuda-Hall
“A fast-paced and feminist horror story for every girl who’s ever felt like prey, and asks how far a girl should go to hunt the hunters.”

Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker
“A story of love and demons, family and witchcraft.”

Tell me what’s on your tbr in the comments below. Please like and share this post with others. And, don’t leave without following my little book blog.

Until The Next Chapter,