The Holiday Traditions Tag

Hi Friends,
I just knew that I had to do a holiday tag before Christmas came. This is a pretty old holiday tag that I discovered this year. But honestly, most tags are timeless.

Favorite holiday destination?
I always stay home and spend the holidays with my family. However, hypothetically, I think celebrating the holidays in England would be a dream come true. I wouldn’t want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas away from my family, but I would love to spend New Years in England.

Any family traditions?
We have a few family traditions. About 7 years ago we started having lasagna on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition that my husband brought to us because it is a tradition that his family did. Also, we always open one gift on Christmas Eve, which is new PJs. Lastly, since I was an itty bitty kid, we have watched ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’ right before bed on Christmas Eve.

Favorite ornament or decoration?
I don’t know if this counts, but I love Christmas trees and lights. Not sure if that is basic or random. There is just something about Christmas lights that make me smile. And, seeing a Christmas tree that is decked out in fun ornaments, classy ornaments, or just a few ornaments is heartwarming.

What are you doing for the holidays?
Spending Christmas Day at home in my PJs, watching holiday movies, and playing board games.

Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
I am a way too early of a shopper. I am talking like January through November. However, next year I am going to try and find a good middle between early and late shopping.

Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mom does the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, me and my sister always try to make a dish or two.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Nope. I would be way to nervous. Also, I don’t sing in public.

Do you live where it snows?
Not really. It has only ever snowed, probably, about 6 times here. I love the snow and think it would be amazing to have a white Christmas! But sadly, that isn’t usually the case.

One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Buying gifts for others! Picking out something special for my people makes me happy. Yet I hate having to wait to see their reactions. Also, being surrounded with love at the holidays fills my cup ten times over.

What do you want most for Christmas?
Going to be honest here and say a baby. I would love it, and be super scared, anxious, and generally overly worried. But it would be very exciting to be pregnant. However, I don’t think that Santa has got that in his present bag for me. Other than that, I just want surprise gifts. I like seeing what others have picked out for me, rather than me telling them what to get me.

Happy Holidays! I tag everyone to do this tag, even if you are reading it after Christmas.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Halloween Tag

Happy Halloween Friends!
I cannot believe that this is the last day of Spooktober 2021. I had a lot of fun creating 13 days of spooky content for you all. But I must say that I am a tiny bit happy we are on the final day. It was a good time, and I’ll probably do it again next year, but I need a blogging break. Don’t worry, my November TBR will still go up this coming week. Anyhow, for the last day of Spooktober I am doing the Halloween tag! This tag was created on YouTube, so I don’t know who originally created it. Before reading any further, don’t forget to enter my Halloween giveaway!

What is your favorite Halloween movie?
Is there any answer besides Hocus Pocus? It is a classic Halloween family film that never gets old. I do like other films, like Halloweentown and Halloween H20, but Hocus Pocus will always be #1 on my Halloween movie list.

What is your favorite Halloween costume you’ve worn?
When I was in third grade, I went as the Statue of Liberty. Funny enough, my teacher dressed up as the Statue of Liberty as well. However, my little elementary school self was very embarrassed by that. Also, I could argue that I looked more like a leftover than anything else. Thinking back on it, I would say it is my most memorable and probably favorite costume.

What is your fondest Halloween memory?
My wedding! I didn’t have an actual wedding, but last Halloween my husband and I got married. It was special, and spectacular.

Have you always been a Halloween lover?
Yes and no. I like the idea of Halloween, and have nothing against the holiday. But I wouldn’t classify myself as a die-hard ‘Halloween lover’.

What was the first scary movie you remember watching?
I remember watching the movie Faculty at a pretty young age, but I don’t know if it was my first scary movie. I know that me and my older sister went behind my moms back when I was like 10 years old to watch Wes Craven’s Cursed. Between the two, Faculty was way more scary.

What is your favorite Halloween song?
Calling All The Monsters by China Anne McClain! If only we had more pumpkin carols, (points if you understood that) then my answer would probably be more original. Still, if you are looking for a good Halloween party song, then this is it.

How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
By watching horror and thriller movies. But this year I read spooky books more than I watched movies, so I guess it would be reading the thriller genre.

Favorite Halloween decorations?
I have a little candy dish that looks like a skeleton’s hand is wrapped around it. Simple, but it still resembles Halloween, which I enjoy.

Favorite Halloween/Fall scent?
This year it has been anything apple and pumpkin. Usually, I love Leaves from Bath and Body Works, but it hasn’t smelled the same lately. I have gotten a lot of apple/pumpkin scents that give off those crisp autumn vibes.

What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Reese’s and Sour Patch Kids!

Vampires or zombies?
I have never been a big fan of zombies, and I just don’t get their appeal. Although, I do like the movie Zombieland, vampires are iconic. ‘Interview with a Vampire,’ ‘Twilight,’ ‘The Vampire Diaries’ – need I go on? They never get old, and can be kind of creepy. Come on, they can manipulate you and suck your blood. Talk about having someone for dinner.

What is your weird/odd fear?
Roller coasters! I don’t know if that’s a ‘weird’ fear, but roller coasters freak me out! I hate that I don’t have control on the roller coaster. Anything can happen during the ride, and there is nothing anyone can do. I blame Final Destination 3 for this one.

Favorite Halloween book?
I liked Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell. It is a cute friends-to-lovers contemporary graphic novel that takes place on Halloween night. It is set at a pumpkin patch filled with games, a corn maze, food, and more. I know that Rowell is a controversial author, though I must admit I am not sure about the reasoning behind the negativity towards Rowell.

What are you going to go as for Halloween this year?
Me! In all honesty, I probably will be wearing my comfiest Halloween PJs.

What are you doing for Halloween this year?
Staying in with some yummy treats and watching Halloween movies. It will be my one year wedding anniversary, so I will spend the evening with my love.

And just like that, Spooktober is done! Leave your Halloween plans in the comments. Remember to enter my giveaway before you leave, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,