Hi Friends,
The time has finally come to talk about my favorite books of 2021! I managed to read a lot of books this year. Well, a lot for me. And while I wouldn’t classify my reading year as amazing, some of the books that were top-tier reads. I decided to start at number 11 and work my way down to number 1. Also, I have a review up for, almost, all the books on this list, so if you want to know my in-depth thoughts on any of them, please read my reviews.

The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee
This is, I believe, the first young adult sci-fi that I have ever read. The premise and character intrigued me, and the ending left me wanting to continue on with the story. I think it was a good way to easy myself into the fantasy genre. It was a cool read that managed to squeak its way on to this list.

Legendborn by by Tracy Deonn
I wasn’t to thrilled to pick this book up, since it is a YA fantasy story. If you have read my blog for any length of time than you know me and fantasy aren’t the best of friends. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, and the twist ending was fascinating. I am curious to see where the story will go from here. Overall, the excitement I got from listening to the story was why it got the number 10 spot.
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
This is actually a book that I started back a year (or so) ago. But, I put it down and never picked it back up. That is, not until this year. I don’t know why I wasn’t engaged in the story the first time around, because I thought the plot worked well! There were also a lot of funny moments throughout the book. I would love to read more from this author, since her writing style was simple and effective. It isn’t the best book of all time, but I enjoyed it enough for it to become a favorite of 2021.
One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
I read many YA thrillers this year, and many of them were great reads. However, this book was a roller coaster ride, without being too crazy. Truthfully, I felt like I was reading a Lifetime mystery movie, which I am not mad about. I love Lifetime and Hallmark movies, so I think that is one of the reason I enjoyed the book. But the ending is what really too this book to the next level for me. Some might call it predictable; I call it shocking. Which is probably why Karen M. McManus has become a new favorite author of mine, and this book is one of my favorites for the year.
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
Lucky number seven! This YA contemporary was cute, but not in a cheesy way. I liked how the story played out, and the female-female romance was very sweet. The main character, Liz, was relatable, and by the end of the book, began to stand up for herself. She had a lot going on at home, but handled it with so much strength, while hiding her anxiety. I think it is important to remember that we are the lead character of our lives, not a supporting role, which Liz eventually realized as well.
On The Fence by Kasie West
I love me some Kasie West, but I hadn’t picked up any of her older work until 2021. This is your classic best friends to lovers story, which is always a favorite of mine. Who am I kidding, Kasie West’s name on the cover usually means it’ll be a favorite for me. I liked the romance aspect, and that the main character was the typical pretty girl. There was also a mental health plot that was interesting, as well. It was a simple story, and it made me happy so number six it is.
The Afterlife Of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
This was a reread for me, but this year it became one of my favorite books. Hence it being in my top 5 books of the year. Not sure, what head space I was in the first time I read it, but now it has officially become a yearly holiday read for me. It is a YA retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ with a unique twist. I think that just about anyone who knows the classic story would surely get a kick out of this book.
Toy Makers Apprentice by Sherri L. Smith
This is one of the last books that I read in 2021, and I am glad I discovered it. It is a middle-grade ‘The Nutcracker’ retelling that jumps right into the story from the get go. The plot is captivating, and I couldn’t put it down. It is such an original take on the classic story, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I don’t know why more people aren’t raving about this book. It was very close to being higher on this list, but I read other books that were a little bit better.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
This is a book that is getting a lot of buzz, so obviously I had to read it. The book is a take on Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliette’ set in Shanghai. After reading the book, I completely understand the hype. At first, I was a little confused. But once the story got going, it was, in a word, amazing. I don’t know how the author took Shakespeare’s classic story and turned it upside down while still making that connection to the original. I loved it! And evidently, others do too. And, to think I almost forgot to add it to my favorite books of the year. What was I thinking?
If I’m Being Honest by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
I think it is funny that this book made the list, since I was so close to DNFing it. Nevertheless, this book has become a contemporary favorite of mine. The main character was blunt and confident, but learned to be a better person, all on her own. She thought that she had to “tame” herself to get a guy. But really, she need to be better for herself, and nobody else. As said by Dr. Seuss, “Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
Five Feet Apart by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, & Tobias Iaconis
I don’t know if anyone expected this to be my top book of the year, because I sure didn’t. I think I mentioned this in my review for the book, but this story broke me. The plot is incredible and heartbreaking all at once. Your emotions will be all over the place while reading the book, which was probably the authors intention. I am going to warn you that the ending will make you cry, and probably break you as well. In my opinion, it is a love story that everyone should read.
Those are all my favorite books of 2021, and I am excited to see what will make the list next year. Let me know your favorite books of the year, and don’t forget to check out my reviews on the these books.
Until The Next Chapter,