The Gift Of A Book // Book Recommendations

Hi Friends,
On day 14 of Bookmas, I wanted to share book recommendations. However, these recommendations are more specific. I wanted to recommend books that I think would be a great gift for the readers of certain books. Essentially, if they like this book, they might enjoy this book. I hope that this makes some sense.

If they like the ‘Truly Devious’ series by Maureen Johnson then gift them ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ by Holly Jackson. These books fall under the YA mystery category but are slightly different. Although they both follow female main characters trying to solve mysteries, I do think that the GGGTM trilogy is a bit darker and, in my opinion, better. However, I think that they are similar enough that they would be a good gift idea for someone who has read and enjoyed the ‘Truly Devious’ books.
Related Post: A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder // Book Review

If they like ‘The Inheritance Games’ by Jennifer Lynn Barnes gift them ‘The Rosewood Hunt’ by Mackenzie Reed. Both books have to do with inheritance and a game of sorts to claim it. I think that both plots are full of twists and have to do with many characters working against each other for money. However, I am unsure if ‘The Rosewood Hunt’ contains any type of romance, and it is a standalone unlike ‘The Inheritance Games.’

If they like ‘The Hunger Games’ by Susan Collins gift them ‘All Of Us Villains’ by Amanda Foody and C.L. Herman. I’m not going to lie I didn’t like ‘All Of Us Villains’ but I have seen it compared to ‘The Hunger Games’ a lot. The main difference is that it follows multiple morally gray characters and has magical elements. However, I could see fan of ‘The Hunger Games’ series like the book and finding the difference interesting.
Related Post: All Of Us Villains // Book Review

If they like ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth gift them ‘Forth Wing’ by Rebecca Yarros. Honestly, these two books remind me of each other, but one of them contains dragons. But, the writing and main characters are very similar. I think that fans of young adult 2000s dystopian books like ‘Divergent’ would love the ‘Fourth Wing’ series. It would be a great gift for them and would probably give them reminders of their teenage years.
Related Post: Divergent // Book Review

If they like ‘If He Had Been With Me’ by Laura Nowlin gift them ‘All The Bright Places’ by Jennifer Niven. Both these books are about young love and are pretty sad stories. I know it is not customary to make someone cry during holidays, but I could see fans of one really liking the other. The main difference is that ‘All The Bright Places’ is a dual pov story that has mental health representation. However, the stories have very similar outcomes, yet they are completely different.
Related Post: If He Had Been With Me // Book Review
Related Post: All The Bright Places // Book Review

I hope that this post has given you some ideas about books to gift readers in your life. If you agree with these recommendations, let me know the comments. You can always follow the blog so that you are notified whenever there is a new post.

Until The Next Chapter,

Did Not Finish // My 2023 DNFs

Hi Friends,
I thought that for day 12 of Bookmas, it would be interesting to talk about the books that I had DNFed this year. I try not to DNF as much as possible, but as I read more, I learn about my book taste. I do not feel the need to push through a book I am not enjoying or that I can tell I am not going to like. This year, I DNFed ten books, which I think is the most I have in my years.

It Sounded Better In My Head’ by Nina Kenwood and ‘The Tenth Girl’ by Sara Farings were instant DNFs because I could tell that the plots were not for me. As for for, ‘The Headmasters List’ by Melissa de la Cruz, the storyline was too predictable. I am sad that ‘All I Want For Christmas’ by Maggie Knox is on this list, but I am not one for plots based around competition shows. And, ‘The Bandit Queens’ by Parini Shroff had a lot of triggering topics for me.

One of my biggest disappointments was ‘The Last Word’ by Taylor Adams. I got to 50% until I realized that I was not really enjoying the plot or writing. I soft DNFed ‘It’ by Stephen King mainly because the book was just way to slow moving and it is one of my favorite horror movies, so I think the story is just to ingrained in my brain. I barely made it through 30% of ‘The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic’ by Breanne Randall until I had to give up on it. The plot was way to slow moving, and I am not a second chance romance lover to begin with.

I was hesitant to DNF ‘Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other’ by Bethany Turner since it was an audiobook ARC I received via Netgalley, but the female main character was so unlikable that I did not see any chemistry between her and the love interest. My last DNF of the year was ‘Local Women Missing’ by Mary Kubica, which I have heard so many good things. However, child adduction and abuse in graphic detail are something I would prefer not to read.

These are all books I chose not to finish this year. I have stopped feeling guilty about DNFing because I’d rather read a 5 star than something I know will be a 2 star. In the comments, let me know the books that you did not finish. Do not forget to hit the follow button so that you never miss a post.

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“Do I Have That Book” Challenge!

Hi Friends,
I thought that for day 9 of Bookmas it would be fun to do the ‘Do I Have That Book Challenge.’ This is a popular YouTube tag and I believe originally you were supposed to set a 60 second timer and try to find a book on your shelf that fit the question. However, I’m doing a book blogger take on the tag by eliminating the timer aspect.

Like most readers I’m not a fan of deckled edges, but my edition of ‘Speak’ by Laurie Halse Anderson does happen to have deckled edges. Funny, enough I instantly knew this book had them and I got this copy years ago. Probably when I first started becoming a reader.

I had a few books I could have choose for this and I went with an unlikely choice. This book has three silhouettes on the cover, but I’m still counting them as three people. Also, who doesn’t love the Sanderson sisters? And, just a quick note the sequel in this book isn’t anything like Disney+ ‘Hocus Pocus 2’ film.

Yep. ‘Geekerella’ is a Cinderella retelling. Honestly, this series of companion novels weren’t my favorite, but I enjoyed this book. It was a fun twist on the Cinderella story and the romance was really cute.

It took me a while to find a book with exactly ten letters in the title, but I ended up finding ‘Splintered’ by by A.G. Howard. This is the first book in an ‘Alice In Wonderland’ retelling series. This series is very old and use to be talked about a lot in the book community. I have yet to start it, but hop to pick it up relatively soon.

This was surprisingly easy to find, ‘Two Can Keep A Secret’ by Karen M. McManus starts and ends with the letter T. This is a YA thriller that I didn’t love, still it works for this prompt so I’m happy.

I only have one ‘The Time Keeper’ by Mitch Albom. I don’t know why I have this book, yet I can only assume it is because I read a lot of his books early on in my reading journey. Have I read this book. Nope. Do I know what it’s about. Nope.

Mary Poppins‘ by P.L. Travers! The authors actual name is Pamela Lyndon Travers. I have a few other books by authors using a pen name but this was the first one that came to mind.

Anna and the French Kiss‘ by Stephanie Perkins, which happens to be one of the first YA contemporary trilogy, of sorts, that I read. It is such a cute YA romance set in France. I still love this book even though I haven’t read it in years. Maybe, a reread is in order here.

Nope! I looked through practically every book on my shelf and couldn’t find a single book containing not only two but let alone one map. Probably, because fantasy isn’t a genre I typically buy. However, that is changing so I might have a book that meets this prompt in the future. But, as of today I do not.

I feel like every book these days is turning into a TV show or movie, so I have quite a few. Such as ‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ trilogy by Jenny Han that was turned into an Amazon Prime original show. I still need to watch the whole series, yet the first episode was really good. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the series might be better than the books. Yeah, I said it don’t come for me.

Yep! I have ‘Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You‘ by Misha Collins, who plays Castiel on Supernatural. This is a poetry book that he released and I also believe that I have his cookbook. A little known fact is that he is my soulmate we just haven’t met yet. Don’t worry my husband is cool with it.

This is another one that I’m surprised I don’t have in my collection. You’d think more books would have clocks on the cover. I do want ‘The Toymaker’s Apprentice‘ by Sherri L. Smith, which does have a clock on the cover. However, as of now I don’t own any books that fit this prompt.

I’m going to do a shameless self promo and say ‘Convenient Interruptions‘ by ME! If you don’t know I released a poetry collection that you can buy on amazon and read for free on Kindle Unlimited.

I’m the type of person that hates any type of sticker or stamp on a book cover, but I did have a copy of ‘The Graveyard Book‘ by Neil Gaiman that I bought from Half-Priced Books. It has an award stamp on the cover, because it won the John Newbery Medal. However, I unhauled the book so I don’t actually have a book for this question.

Technically, I do since I mentioned that I have a copy of my own book. However, if we are speaking about books not written by yours truly than no. I think my initials NE, or maiden name initials NT, are pretty uncommon.

I own a few books of short stories such as ‘Blackout‘ by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, and Nicola Yoon. This is a collection of interlocking short stories about black teens.

Nope! I either have books that are under 400 pages or over 510 pages, which is pretty weird if you ask me. I’m not usually someone that will read a long book, so it makes sense that all my books are relatively short. Yet, I do have some that contain up to 550 pages and that’s a little intimidating to say the least.

One of my all time favorite books ‘Five Feet Apart‘ by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias Iaconis was turned into a film. In my opinion, the movie is just as good as the book and I recommend them both if you like heartbreaking young adult romances.

I’ve bought a lot of graphic novels with in the last year. My most recent graphic novel purchase was ‘Squad‘ by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, which is a sapphic horror about a group of werewolves.

A Secret Princess‘ by Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz is a YA retelling of ‘A Little Princess’ and ‘The Secret Garden’. And, obviously it’s written by two wonderful young adult authors.

There you have the ‘Do I Have That Book’ book tag challenge! It was very interesting going through my book shelf to find books that correlate with each prompt. In the comments, let me know how many prompts you can complete with the books on your selves. Don’t forget to hit the follow button for more bookish content.

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Whiteout // Book Review

About The Book
Atlanta is blanketed with snow just before Christmas, but the warmth of young love just might melt the ice in this novel of Black joy, and cozy, sparkling romance—by the same unbeatable team of authors who wrote the New York Times bestseller Blackout! As the city grinds to a halt, twelve teens band together to help a friend pull off the most epic apology of her life. But will they be able to make it happen, in spite of the storm?
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My Rating

This is an anthology that features six romance stories centered around black teens. The main narrative follows Stevie and Sola, navigating a challenging phase in their relationship, providing a catalyst that intertwines and connects the other stories. Despite the varied plots, each tale presents unique yet collectively interesting perspectives on romance, making it a cohesive anthology.

Stevie bears similarities to Sheldon from ‘The Big Bang Theory.’ While the characters are enjoyable, the briefness of the stories limits the depth of character exploration, and there’s minimal character development. However, given that this is a short story collection, this is not unexpected.

The Atlanta setting, right before Christmas, creates a captivating atmosphere heightened by a snowstorm. The wintry backdrop enhances the holiday spirit, providing a cozy reading experience that captures the essence of a cold December night.

“But Christmas just adds an extra bit of magic to the love, you know? The special gifts, the parties, the lights, the mistletoe.”

The great thing is that I don’t find that I liked any story in the anthology more than any of the others. However, none of them really stood out to me – they all fell somewhere in the middle of my expectations. Separately, and collectively, I’d give them 3 stars, which I think is a solid rating.

Overall, the book is a quick and fun read, showcasing wholesome romances among black teens. Though not a traditional Christmas read, the winter setting makes it an ideal choice for a snowy night, adding a lighthearted touch to the seasonal reading list. And, this is high praise coming from someone that doesn’t normally enjoy anthologies.

In the comments, let me know if you plan on reading this book. Don’t forget that you can always like and share this post. If you enjoy book reviews please support my blog by giving it a follow.

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Read Or Not // Holiday Edition

Hi Friends,
Today is day 6 of Bookmas, and I’m going to be talking about holiday reads. Specifically, the ones I think are worth reading, and the ones that aren’t.

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Related Post: Eight Nights Of Flirting // Book Review

Let’s start this off on a high note and talk about my favorite holiday read of 2022. This is the cutest YA Hanukkah romances that I have read. I completely recommend it, and love that it isn’t a Christmas book, since that’s what people typically read this time of year.

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Related Post: In A Holidaze // Book Review

Honestly, this book wasn’t for me – from the romance, to the plot, I just couldn’t get into it. However, the writing was decent, but I will say that this is a book I would pass on. It really isn’t anything special.

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Related Post: The Holiday Swap // Book Review

If you love Hallmark Christmas movies (which I know aren’t for everyone), then you will love this book. This seriously feels like you are watching one of there cheesy but heartwarming holiday movies, and I loved every second of it. I think that you should definitely give this book a read.

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Related Post: So, This Is Christmas // Book Review

I don’t want to go on a tangent about how much I dislike this book, so I’ll keep it short. This is a young adult contemporary that I was not a fan of whatsoever. Enough said.

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Related Post: A Merry Little Meet Cute // Book Review

This book was a pleasant surprise because not only was it a cute holiday romance it is super steamy. I loved all the funny moments and it had great bipolar representations. I think it is good holiday read for someone that doesn’t mind a good amount of spicy.

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Related Post: All I Want For Christmas // Book Review

If you are looking for a super cheesy and ridiculously Christmas read, then this is the book for you. As for me, it didn’t really work. In my opinion, I am going to have to say that it isn’t worth the read.

I hoped that this helped you plan your December TBR a littler better. Don’t forget to like and share the post. And, you can always support my blog by giving it a follow.

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Did I Read My 2023 Anticipated Releases?

Hi Friends,
For day 2 of Bookmas, I am going to be taking a look back at my most anticipated book releases of 2023. I have done 4 anticipated releases post this year, so I am hoping that I have at least read half of the books that I was excited for this year. If not, I am going to try and make it a priority to read some of them before the year is over.

I did a post talking about my most anticipated YA romances, and I am happy to say that I read 3 out of the five books I mentioned in that post. I read ‘Never Vacation with Your Ex’, ‘Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl’ and ‘Borrow My Heart.’ But, I wasn’t able to pick up ‘Promposal’ and I completely forgot about ‘The Borrow a Boyfriend Club.’ However, I am still interested in both of those books.
Related Post: 2023 YA Romances // Anticipated Releases

My next release post was talking about 2023 summer books. I read 5 of the books in that post, which were ‘The Only One Left,’ ‘The Seven Year Slip,’ ‘One of Us Is Back,’ ‘Delicate Condition,’ and ‘Foxglove.’ And, all of these books were between 4 and 5 stars for me. As for the ones I didn’t read we have ‘Summer Rental,’ ‘Business or Pleasure,’ and ‘Ghosted: A Northanger Abbey.’ All of those books still sound so good. There were two other books in this post, ‘The Trap‘ and ‘Good Bad Girl‘ that I didn’t read, but started. And, since putting down ‘Good Bad Girl’, I haven’t heard the greatest thing about it, so it might be a DNF.
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // Summer 2023

Moving on to a post I did recently, my October anticipated releases. I am going to keep this short and sweet by saying that I have yet to read any of the six books I mentioned. Still, I am very interested in all of them. Lastly, is my November book release post and, like October, I haven’t read any of these books. I might try and get to one out of six books in that post, which will most likely be ‘Iron Flame’ or ‘Betting On You.’
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // October 2023
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // November 2023

Honestly, I don’t think I did too badly this year when it came to reading books I was excited for. It doesn’t shock me that I did poorly in October and November, since I’m a mood reader and like to read certain books during those months. In the comments, tell me if you have read any of my anticipated releases, and if they are worth the read. Don’t forget that it is completely free and makes me smile when you follow the blog.

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Raising The Horseman // Book Review

About The Book
Kat Van Tassel wants nothing to do with Sleepy Hollow’s ghostly history. But when her mother gives her the original Katrina van Tassel’s diary on the two-hundredth anniversary of the Headless Horseman’s haunting, a new legend begins to take shape, weaving together the past and the present in eerie ways.
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My Rating

Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting out of this book, because even the cover screams “middle grade Headless Horseman retelling”. Although, it is supposed to be young adult I can say that is not how it reads. And if you know me, you know, I’m not typically a fan of the middle grade genre. So it’s not surprising that I didn’t love the story.

In the book, we follow Kat, who is an ancestor of Katerina van Tassel. In her hometown, there’s this legend that the Headless Horseman protects Katerina’s descendants. But, Kat wants more than just to live in Sleepy Hollow forever like Katerina. However, when she’s given Katerina’s diary, she learns a lot more about her and her dreams.

Unfortunately, the characters in this book were basic. There wasn’t much insight into their personalities or motivations. The story lacked any depth in the characters, and there was absolutely no character development whatsoever. The romance aspect was very predictable and insta-lovey, which I am not a fan of.

“Family legend says he always swore it was the Headless Horseman who chased him through the hollow.”

And, don’t even get me started on Kat letting people walk all over her. The book completely brings forth a toxic relationship dynamic, which I was not expecting. However, it does add an interesting layer of complexity to the story, but it left me angry with the protagonist and her choices.

Although, I had issues with the characters, the chapters where we got a glimpse into Katerina’s life through her diary entries were fantastic. This storytelling approach was, for me, the highlight of the entire book. It was enjoyable to read about Katerina’s journey and her character development. I loved how the author showcased that our desires may not always be what we truly want.

Overall, the book fell short of being truly engaging, and the writing style, unfortunately, leans toward juvenile. Still, the story might appeal to a more younger audience looking for a quick read. On a positive note, the book delves into the theme of familial accountability, emphasizing that individuals shouldn’t be solely defined by the actions of their family.

Let me know if this book is on your TBR. Don’t forget to like and share this post with other readers. If you would like to get notified whenever there’s a new post, hit the follow button.

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Never Vacation With Your Ex // Book Review

About The Book
A YA second chance romance where the rules for getting over an ex turn out to be more complicated than they seem. Kaylee Jordan’s one refuge, and the thing she looks forward to every summer? The vacation her family spends in Malibu with the Freeman-Yus. This year, there’s only one problem: Kaylee and their son, Dean, dated for the past three months, and Kaylee just unceremoniously dumped him.
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My Rating

This is a friends-to-lovers high school romance, but with a twist – the love interests have actually already dated and broken up at the beginning of the book. However, they must now, as the title suggests, go on summer vacation with their families, and try to navigate this new normal as exes.

Kaylee is the female, and she has major commitment issues. She’ll date someone for a few months, break up with them, and then start a new relationship (or shall I say fling) with somebody else within weeks. She is also one of the star players on her high school volleyball team.

I understand that Kaylee had commitment issues, since in high school things are always changing. Also, she had a lot of struggles comparing herself to her mother, who was an Olympic volleyball star. All of these things factored into her commitment phobia. However, I didn’t like the fact that everyone blamed her for the break up.

“I could be the heartbroken one. I’ve just taught myself not to be.”

You could clearly see that she was struggling with the break up in her own way. Yes, Dean, her ex, was vividly sad, but her feelings should not have been ignored. Also, he clearly knew the rest. He was taking a chance dating her, because they were friends, and he saw her romantic history firsthand.

However, I did like the writing in this book, because I didn’t find it to be juvenile. The ending was done well, and I liked Kaylee’s character development. Also, there’s a slight exchange of service plot between Kaylee and Dean that I enjoyed, which isn’t surprising since it is one of my favorite plot devices.

Overall, it’s a easy read with a good plot. Also, I did like that Patrick and Siena from ‘With And Without You’ made an appearance in the book. I will continue to read more from this duo, since this isn’t their worst book, but it definitely isn’t there best either. I had a fairly decent reading experience, so I would call that a win.

In the comments, let me know your favorite book by this author duo. If didn’t already know, you can follow the blog to help show your support!

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Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl // Book Review

About The Book
Margo Zimmerman is gay, but she didn’t know until now. An overachiever at heart, Margo is determined to ace her newly discovered gayness. All she needs is the right tutor. Abbie Sokoloff has her own gayness down to a science. But a flunking grade in US History is threatening her acceptance to her dream school. All she needs is the right tutor.
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This is such an adorable young adult, LGBTQ romance. First, I love the fact that this is an exchange of service plot. In this book, Margo enlists the gayest girl she knows, Abby, to show her how to be gay. Abby agrees, but only if Margo tutors her in US history.

Not only does Margo have anxiety but she also has autism. I love the way autism is represented in the book. It showed that just because you are different, it does not make you weird. Abby, has a not-so-great home life, and really starts to open up to Margo.

It was great that the book showcased that we are all different. There are no set guidelines you must follow to be gay, straight, autistic, or anything else. Let me say that all the different representations in this book were amazing! Not only was the book about being gay, it also focused on many types of sexuality.

“You’re gay and you don’t need a test. You don’t need someone else to tell you who you are. You just need to trust yourself.”

I will say that I did not expect this book to have any particularly steamy scenes, being a young adult book. They are usually closed doors on the romance side. However, there is one intimate part of the book that was pretty steamy. I mean, of course, it is not on par with smut, but it was written very well.

Truthfully, the entire book had such great writing. You can tell that the authors took a lot of time with the book and created a great story. The plot was fantastic. The characters were well thought out and the ending was great.

Overall, I think this is a great coming of age story, and perfect for anyone who is just now discovering their sexuality. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for a good LGBTQ romance. I look forward to reading more books from these authors.

In the comments, let me know if this book is on your TBR. Otherwise, it should be. Do not forget to like and share this post with other book lovers! As always, before you go, it would mean a lot to me if you hit the follow button.

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Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me // Book Review

About The Book
A graphic novel that asks us to consider what happens when we ditch the toxic relationships we crave to embrace the healthy ones we need. Laura Dean, the most popular girl in high school, was Frederica Riley’s dream girl: charming, confident, and SO cute. There’s just one problem: Laura Dean is maybe not the greatest girlfriend.
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My Rating

This book does a great job of depicting first love, and toxic relationships. Throughout the book, we get to know the main character, Freddy, and the roller-coaster that is her relationship with Laura Dean. She seeks insight into her relationship with Advice Columnist Anna Vice. Freddy tries hard to make her relationship work, and proves her devotion to Lara Dean without getting anything in return.

Laura Dean shows up only when it’s convenient to her, and expects Freddy to always be there when she calls. Throughout the story, Freddy’s friends can see how toxic the relationship is; however, Freddy is blinded by love. She is so infatuated with Laura Dean that she starts to forget about others around her.

The book is the prime definition of ‘we accept the love we think we deserve.’ In this world, we tend to think, especially when it comes to first love, that there is only one person who will love us. Moreover, because we love someone, we should excuse their bad behavior. However, throughout the book, we see Freddy’s slow discovery of how untrue that is.

“Love is hard. Breaking up is hard. Love is dramatic. Breaking up is dramatic.”

Something that I didn’t see coming was how the book touched on teen pregnancy, abortion and statutory rape. The plot was very focused on the toxic relationship between Freddy and Laura, so this side story was surprising. Although well done, it felt a bit out of place in the story.

Overall, the writing and artwork were great and the story was impactful. I can understand how some people might not enjoy this book do to the mistreatment the main character let herself endure in the name of “love.” However, I think that this is a good read for many young people today.

In the comments, let me know your thoughts about this graphic novel. Do not forget to hit the follow button so that you are notified whenever there is a new post.

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