29th Birthday Book Wishlist

Hello Friends,
In this post, I wanted to do my birthday wishlist. On June 27, I will be turning 29 years old, which seems ridiculous to me. I usually don’t ask for gifts since I can never think of gift ideas on the spot. Also, I like to see what other people would pick out for me instead of choosing my own gift. Anyhow, there are a few books that I wouldn’t mind being gifted since I don’t normally buy books for myself.

1)Finale: A Caraval Book by Stephanie Garber: I have the first two books in this series, so I would love to have a complete set. I have only read book one, but I know it is a series I am going to want to own. Plus, the covers of the hardback editions are stunning!

2)The Summer I Turned Pretty Series by Jenny Han: Honestly, I didn’t love this book series. Yes, it is a YA contemporary, which I generally do enjoy. But I wasn’t a fan of the characters or setting. That being said, I am Jenny Han girl through and through, so I have to have these books on my shelf.

3)My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories by Stephanie Perkins: This is a collection of short holiday stories by some amazing YA authors. Most of these stories are contemporary, but a few have a fantasy elements or two. I wasn’t a fan of every story, but overall I would read the book again. I would be happy to receive this book as a gift anytime of year. Also, it was released a few years ago now, so it is likely fairly inexpensive.

4)The Afterlife of Holly Chase Book by Cynthia Hand: Another holiday book here! I believe I mentioned my love for “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, which is my all-time favorite book. This is a YA contemporary retelling of the Christmas Carol story. I have wanted this book since I read it, so I am crossing my fingers I will get it for my birthday.

5)Lore by Alexandra Bracken: This is a book I haven’t read yet. And I’m unsure I will even like it. Alexandra Bracken is a new-to-me author, but I have heard only good things about their books. I read the plot of this book, and I knew I needed to own it. It is a mythological fantasy novel, which isn’t exactly my thing, but I am looking to explore other genres.

6)The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White: This is another book I have wanted for years. I have put off reading this book for many years, but I know that I would like to add this to my collection. I have heard mixed things about the writing, but I am usually enjoying underrated books.

7)The Thousandth Floor Series by Katharine McGee: After reading the first book in the series, I immediately added it to my wish-list. This is a futuristic, sci-fi ya contemporary, which was a horrible description. I had a great reading experience and the ending of book #1 was shocking.

8)It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini: This book holds a special place in my heart because it helped me through a hard period in my life. One of my favorite quotes comes from this book, which also happens to be a variation of a Dr. Phil quote. Random I know. I used to have a copy of the book, but it ended up getting ruined. I would love to receive a new edition of the story, and recommend it to others that like mental health reads.

9)Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker: I wouldn’t say I am a graphic novel person, but I have heard a lot of good things about this book. It seems like a cute, fun read that I could pick up every year. Also, I am not going to lie pictures in books help. In all seriousness I want to start growing my small graphic novel collection and this would be a good one to add.

10)Harry Potter Illustrated Editions: Honestly, I hate that I have to write this disclaimer. But I know someone will call me out for wanting anything that “You Know Who” profits from. I don’t agree with anything they support or are against. All people should be free to live a life that makes them happy, and “birth gender” be damned. But, I am not going to set here and claim to hate the Harry Potter series because that would be a lie. I want to be open with my readers. I have wanted the illustrated editions since the first one was released. Although I hate putting money in their pocket, Harry Potter is an amazing book series. It holds a special place in many people’s hearts. I wish the books weren’t tainted by the authors horrible hatred and discrimination towards a certain group of people.

I know that these posts typically come with an “I’m Not Bragging” disclaimer, but I would hope that my readers know that’s not my intention. Please support my blog anyway you can, such as liking and sharing this post. Also, some people have asked for my Amazon wishlist (click here), but you never have to send me anything.

Until The Next Chapter,

To Be Read // June 2021

Hello Book Lovers,
Today I am doing my very late June TBR post! I was looking forward to this month of reading, but unfortunately I fell into a bad reading slump at the end of last month. I am hoping to kick start my reading soon, since June is my birthday month after all. I was unsure of what I wanted to read, but I think I have a few good titles to pick from here.

What’s Not to Love by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley: This is the duo’s fourth book release, and is an enemies to lovers story. I don’t know too much about the plot except that it follows to high-school rivals that must work together to plan the year reunion of a previous class.

Sunkissed by Kasie West: I no absolutely nothing about this book, but that is fine with me. I am a huge Kasie West, and she can do no wrong in my book. I was very happy to find out she was releasing a new YA contemporary, and cannot wait ti dive into this read.

Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler: This is a new to me author, and the book title is giving me Demi Lavoto vibes. The book is about self-discovery and new love. I believe it has LGBT+ representation, which I love to see in YA books.

Off The Record by Camryn Garrett: This is a recent add to my tbr, and I am excited to pick it up. The book is about an aspiring teen journalist that gets the story of a lifetime. It is targeted as Almost Famous meets the “Me Too” movement. I have never seen Almost Famous, but it is one of my husbands favorite films. I am looking to forward to seeing how this book unfolds.

The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed: I might be most excited to pick this title up. The plot sounds amazing and something I haven’t ever read about. It is historical fiction and YA contemporary combines, which is intriguing. The story takes place in 1992 during the Rodney King riots. It is a coming-of-age novel, and 1992 just so happens to be my birth year.

Those are all the books on my June tbr, and I am hoping to read a lot in this next week. I have been doing surprisingly good with my reading this year, and I don’t want to loose that momentum. Let me know what your reading plans for June are, and please support my blog by liking and sharing this post.

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What’s On My Netgalley Shelf?

Hello Book Lovers,
In this post, I am going to share my Netgalley library. I have a lot of ARCs I need to get to, so I thought it might be fun to share the books I’ve been approved for. I will give a small rundown of the book, and why I requested it for review.

The Everything I Have Lost by Sylvia Zeleny (May 11th): This is a coming-of-age young adult story about 12-year-old Julia who is struggling to deal with life in Juarez, Mexico and her fathers sudden disappearance. Zeleny is a bilingual author from Mexico, and I love it when others can write from personal experience. Also, I thought that this story was different from traditional YA novels, since the lead is younger and just beginning her teen years. This is sure to be a very emotional story.

A Chorus Rises: A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow (June 01st): The story follows a teen influencer that has the perfect life. She posses fame, beauty and is a Eloko. This means that she has a melody that nobody can resit. However, her life takes a turn for the worse when she gets canceled for exposing a Siren to the world. I love the mix of contemporary and fantasy in a very unique way. I haven’t read a lot of magical realism, so I am looking forward to try a new genre.

The Stars of Whistling Ridge by Cindy Baldwin (June 15th): A middle grade novel about magic, a curse town and finding a place to call home. I have never been drawn to middle grade stories, but this one sounded adorable. Honestly, I feel like this could be the plot of a Disney movie. I just know that it is going to take me on a magical journey, and tug at my heartstrings.

My Contrary Mary by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows (June 22nd): This is the first book in a new series by these talented authors. They are best known for their Lady Janies series that contained of three book each a retelling of a fame Jane (Lady Jane Grey, Jane Eyre and Calamity Jane). In this new series of books we will be following Marys starting with Mary is the queen of Scots. I have only read the first book in the Janies series, My Lady Jane. However, I absolutely loved it. I was very happy to get this ARCs since this story takes place in the same world as My Lady Jane.

Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier (Aug 10th): This is a graphic novel that deals with social pressure, friendship and cheerleading with trans and queer representation. I am not a huge graphic novel fan, but I think that this will be a new favorite of mine. Truth be told, I am a total fangirl for cheerleading stories. I have seen all the Bring It On films and was obsessed with the short-lived Hellcats series. Also, you know I love me some diverse characters.

The Endless Skies by Shannon Price (Aug 17): An epic fantasy about a hidden city home of the Leonodai warriors. Seventeen-year-old Rowan is ready to become a Leonodai until a deadly disease plagues the city’s children. Soon Rowan discovers secrets that could change her future and everything she once dreamed. I have made it no secret that I don’t read a lot of fantasy. Although, I was very intrigued by not only the plot, but that this was a standalone. This book gives me classic YA fantasy book feels, which I am loving. As well, as the fact that I don’t have to worry about adding another series to my tbr.

I hope that you guys enjoyed taking a sneak-peak at my Netgalley library. Let me know if any of these books peaked your interest. Don’t forget to follow the blog, since I will be doing reviews on these books and more.
Until The Next Chapter,

May 2021 // To Be Read

Hello Book Lovers,
I felt like April would never end, and though I had a pretty decent read month I’m looking forward to May reading plans. If you have been following my blog than you know that I do monthly tbrs where I talk about the books I hope to read throughout the month. Now I don’t have solid reading plans for May, but I have added a ton of books to my want to read list lately. As for readathons, I am loosely planning on doing the 4th Mini round of the PopCulture readathon that will run from May 16th – 30th and is Degrassi: TNG themed. However, if I do it I will post a separate tbr for it closer to the readathon start date.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyers: Me and my husband started the audiobook about a month back, and I ready to dive into this once popular series. I have seen all the movies, but my husband isn’t a Twiheart. Most of you are probably aware of the plot, still I will give you the shortened version. This is the story of what happens when a human girl falls in love with a vampire boy, and all the must overcome to be together.

The Project by Courtney Summers: I decided to pick this up on a whim since I have heard nothing but good things about Summers books. She writes YA/new adult mystery thrillers with her most notable being Sadie. The Project follows a nineteen-year-old girl as she tries to uncover the truth about “The Unity Project” a religious group that many see as a cult. She knows that the project isn’t as holism as they seem, and believe they are the reason behind her strained relationship with her older sister.

Conceal, Don’t Feel by Jen Calonta: I have wanted to read this for a while not, and I was finally able to get my hands on a copy from the library. This is part of The Twisted Tales book series, which are middle-grade Disney retellings. This is Frozen retelling we see what would happen if Anna and Elsa never knew each other. I am not a huge Frozen fan, but I do think that this could be a fun read.

10 Truths And A Dare by Ashley Elston: I read “10 Blind Dates” from this author, and loved it! I knew that I had to pick up her next YA contemporary as soon as it came out. The plot follows Olivia, a character from “10 Blind Dates,” as she finds out she might not get to graduate with her senior class after all. These books are usually light, fluffy reads that I cannot get enough of.

You’re Not Special by Meghan Rienks: I started this book a while ago, and ready to finish it. It is a collection of memoir type stories by YouTuber Meghan Rienks. I was never an avid watcher of Meghan’s channel, but I thought it would be an interesting read.

Snow In Love by Various Authors: I am a big fan of YA story collections, so I was happy to pick this up back in January. However, I have yet to make a dent in it, and it is already May. I am enjoying the first story thus far, and would love to have it read by the end of the month. Also, I don’t mind a little holiday spirit anytime of year.

Those are all the books that I am putting on my main tbr for the month. I am trying to focus on books that I have already started, so that I can have a clean reading slat going into June, which is my birthday month. Please let me know what is on your May tbr in the comments below. If you want to support my blog you can like and share this post. As always you can follow the blog to get notified when I post. I post bookish content and more.

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The DNF Tag

Hello Book Lovers,
I have been thinking about DNFing books a lot lately, because it is something that I struggle with doing. I always want to give a book a fair chance even if I am not enjoying it. I know that is a problem since I read for fun, but I still feel guilty putting a book down. I wanted to see others opinions on this topic, and came across this tag. I thought it was a cool idea, so of course I had to do it for you guys.

I have only DNF a handful of books in my years of reading. It isn’t something I would say that I do regularly, but I am not against it.

Nope! I don’t consider a book read unless I 100% finish it. I think that would be unfair to not only the author, but others that read the whole book. Also, I feel like counting it toward my reading for that month is slightly cheating.

For me, I would say yes. I have some books that I’ve been reading for months, or have put down, but plan on coming back to it within, most likely, a year. I think the main difference is that when you DNF a book you don’t see yourself ever giving it another shot, or at least not for 5 years.

Hmm…I am not sure there are any popular books I have given up on. However, one book that was well rated in the book community that I couldn’t get through was My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. This is a YA contemporary, which is my favorite genre, still I loathed the book. I found the writing slow and the relationship was very instant lovely. I DNF’ed the book when I was about 60% of the way done, and I have no regrets.

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks! I was on a huge Sparks kick for a while, and read many of his most popular books. I didn’t like many of them with The Notebook being my least favorite. Nevertheless, Dear John was the one that still annoys me like no other. I found the book super boring and just not my cup of tea. I was not a fan of the characters, or the plot. I did not enjoy the ending, and can’t understand why I put myself through that book. Fun fact, I have a signed copy of this book, so lucky me.

I have not attempted to read a DNF, but I won’t write-off the idea. I hope that it would be successful for me. Although, I am not sure I want to give some books a second chance.

I don’t usually buy books I haven’t read, so I don’t typically have the issue of getting rid of DNF’ed books. I will either get the e-book or audiobook from the library. If I do get a book I don’t like I either gift or donate it.

It isn’t really about the title for me, but more of the genre. I try to stick with my favorite genres so I have a better chance of enjoying the book. However, this year I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, which means I might be DNFing more books. This doesn’t scare me though, since we never know if we like something if we don’t give it a shot.

I hope that you liked this interesting tag about DNF books. I would love to get your thoughts on this topic. I tag anyone reading this post, and feel free to leave a comment letting me know if you did the tag. I think it is cool to learn others take on different bookish issues. As always you can share and like this post, and follow the blog to get notified when I post.

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Book Review: The Thousandth Floor By Katharine McGee

Title: The Thousandth Floor
Author: Katharine McGee
Published: 2016
Rating: 4.0/5.0 Stars

Synopsis: Amid breathtaking advancement and high-tech luxury, five teenagers struggle to find their place at the top of the world. But when you’re this high up, there’s nowhere to go but down.
Source: GoodReads

The first description I got of this book was a sci-fi Gossip Girl, and being a GG lover I knew that I had to pick it up. However, I found the book to be a futuristic version of Pretty Little Lairs. The book is the first in a trilogy that follows multiple characters that live in the same apartment building. Although, they do not all come from élite families all of their stories intertwine, and they all have their own secrets.

I was hooked from the first chapter and couldn’t put the book down. There was so many twist and turns that kept me engage. The characters were very well written, and I wanted everyone to get a happy ending even though I knew that wasn’t possible. I did think something were a little cringe worthy, but I do think that the books covered the more taboo talks well. The story deals with incest, obsession, drugs and social class.

“I believe in happiness. I’m just not sure love will actually get you there.”

The ending was probably the most shocking part of all. I did not see it coming one bit, and was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It was sad, dark and fascinating. I know that a lot of people aren’t a fan of this book, but I adored it. It was my first science fiction novel, and I am glad that I decided to give it a chance.

I tried not to give too much away in this review, so I hope that I didn’t spoil anything. I would love for you to share this post with your bookworm friends. Please like the blog to get notified when I post.

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March 2021 Reading Wrap-Up

Hello Book Lovers,
It is March wrap-up time! I had a pretty good reading month in March, and feel as though I rediscovered my love of books. I read 5 books last month, and I am happy with that total. I am trying not to put as much pressure on myself to read, and I think that has helped a lot.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling: 5/5 Stars
I am doing my first read through of this series please don’t yell at me. I loved this book even more than the first and found it very funny.

The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston: 3.5/5 Stars
This book was very mediocre, and not favorite. I didn’t love it or hate it, but it was a little disappointing.

Tunnel of Bones by Victoria Schwab: 4/5 Stars
I started this trilogy a while ago, and remember the first book being slightly creepy. However, the ghost story in this one pulled at my heart-strings. I did still really enjoy it.

Admission by Julie Buxbaum: 4/5 Stars
This wasn’t on my tbr for the month, but I am glad I picked it up. I feel like it is an underrated newer release, and I am glad I read it.

The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee: 4/5 Stars
Wow, Wow! Need I say more?

I want to let you guys know that I will be doing full reviews on some of these book, so please check back for those. Let me know what you read least month in the comments. Please like this post, and follow the blog.

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5 Books That Intimidate Me

Hello Book Lovers,
There are many books that I would love to read, but I am super intimidated by them. I know that the title of this post is a dead giveaway about the topic, so I will jump right into the books that intimate me for one reason or another.

The Diviners by Libba Bray: I know that this is a historical, paranormal fantasy set in the 1920s. I have heard nothing, but good things about this duology since the early days of book blogging. I think the premise sounds amazing and unlike anything I have read before. However, this book is a commitment. I think it is over 500 pages, which is very daunting.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass: This book series is being adapted for television, which is pretty exciting. I have wanted to read this book for a while, and the prospect of a live-action version makes me want to pick it up even more. That being said, Maas books have such a huge following, and though this is a “Beauty and the Beast” retelling, which I love, still I’m scared of being disappointed

A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik: All I know is that this is a dark academia, whatever that means, and new adult fantasy. I don’t usually go for books like this, still I heard someone describe the plot and it had me hooked. I would like to step outside of my reading comfort zone with this book, still I know that it is a long read. What can I say big books scary me.

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik:

For some reason Novik books are very intimidating to me. I know that this is an adult fantasy retelling, but I cannot remember the fairytale it is based on. I do remember thinking that the book sounded unlike anything I have read before, and for that reason made it onto my must read list. However, I am scared of big fantasy that aren’t in the young adult genre. I fear that it won’t be my style and could lead to a dnf, which I hate.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians:

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan: I talked about wanting to start this series and the companion series, The Heroes of Olympus, in my Taylor Swift book tag. I on the entire collection of Percy Jackson, still I cannot bring myself to start it. The reason being there’s a lot of books in the series. Also, as in true book fashion the books get longer as the series goes on, à la Harry Potter.

I hope that I am not the only one that has this running list. I do want to brave this list, yet truly I am not in any hurry. I would love if you gave this post a like and shared it with other bookworms. Please feel free to follow my blog to get notified when I post.

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April 2021 TBR

Hello Book Lovers,
It is monthly tbr time once again! I am happy that it is finally April, because March seemed to last forever. I have a pretty ambitious tbr planned for this month, but I am ready for the challenge. I do have a few books rolling over from March that I will be continuing, still most of them I haven’t started at all.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyers: My husband and I started the audiobook at the beginning of March. I was using this for the Tis The Damn Readathon prompt of “Book with a Film Adaption.” We are only 13% into it, but I don’t mind it taking a bit. However, I would like to make it more of a priority this month.

10 Truths And A Dare by Ashley Elston: I was using this for the Tis The Damn Readathon as well. I believe it was for the “5 Star Prediction” prompt. I got approved for the arc on Netgalley, and have been reading the e-book. I am enjoying it a lot, but just haven’t had a lot of time to dedicate to it. I really want to dive more into it, because I enjoy Ashley Elston’s writing.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill: This is a middle grade book about a witch and a human girl she raised from a baby after giving her magical powers. Honestly, I don’t know much about it besides it being a favorite among readers. I tried starting it once before and didn’t get very far into it. I am hoping I will actually finish it this time around. I don’t think I read enough last time to form any distinct thoughts.

If I’m Being Honest by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley: I have no idea why, but this book as been on my radar recently. I have read one other book by this duo before and didn’t love it, still this one seems more up my alley. It is supposed to give you that teen rom-com feel. I don’t know much about it except that it is about a high-school girl who is known as a b*tch, so she tries to change her image to get a guy. Although, I could be completely wrong.

There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins: In 2018, I dnf this book because I couldn’t get into it. The writing felt off and the plot was slow-moving. Nevertheless, I am in the mood for a thriller and I here that Netflix is turning this into a film. I decided I would give the book a second chance before the movie adaption is released. From what I have gathered about the plot it is like The CW version of the Scream movies. If that makes any sense at all.

My Plain Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows: I love this trio of authors. I read their first collaboration “My Lady Jane,” and to my surprise I loved it. I don’t know anything about this book, but I have heard that it is a Jane Eyre retelling. I am not familiar with the original story, still I am looking forward to reading their take on it.

Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston: I have been on a Once Upon a Con kick lately. I am excited to finish this series of companion novels. I have a review up on the first book Geekerella and will be doing a review of the second very soon. I think that this is the last book in this world, which is bittersweet. Not sure about the plot, but I think it’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling, which I am here for!

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson: This will be my first Matson read. Yep, it is shocking that someone who loves contemporaries I haven’t read any of her books. Once again, I have no clue what the book is about just that it is a contemporary following a girl and I think she somehow becomes a dog walker. I really have no idea.

I might try to tackle some other arcs, or perhaps throw in a mood read. I am enjoying reading a lot these days, so I hope my want to read stays with me in April. Let me know what is on your tbr in the comments? I would love if you liked and shared this post. You can follow the blog to get notified when I post.

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5 Star Predictions #1 // 2021

Hello book lovers,
I am back to blogging! I took a little break this week, but I am very excited about today’s post. I am going to talk about my 5 star book predictions. I typically stay in my comfort zone when it comes to reading, so I can normally tell the books I am going to enjoy. I do want to branch out in my reading this year, but these are the books that I have a good feeling I will rate highly.

Fool Me Twice by Carrie Aarons: After the death of her best friend, due to cancer, she sets out to complete her bucket list. One of the major tasks on the list is getting back at Lincoln Kolb, her late best friends jerk of an ex-boyfriend. However, these enemies might not start to look past their bad blood.

I love a good revenge turned love story! I feel like this book could either be great, or just average. I am hoping for the best, and going to predict that I will give it a 5 star rating.

Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth: Aideen can’t solve her own problems, so she takes it upon herself to solve one for her overwhelmed classmate. After her act of kindness more of her classmates want Aideen’s help.

This book gives me teen movie vibes, which I am here for. I can picture this as a Netflix movie one day for sure. I think the concept could be very funny and I am looking forward to picking it up. It won’t be released until May 2021, still I will be reading it as soon as possible.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab: Addie LaRue made a deal of a lifetime with the devil. She will live forever, yet be forgot by everyone. She tries to leave her mark on the world and be remembered however she can.

I don’t usually go for these kinds of books, although I am a big fan of V.E. Schwabs middle grade works. This story peaked my interested from it’s release, and I have a good feeling it will become a favorite of mine.

What I Like About You by Marisa Kante: Girl meets boy online. They become the best of internet friends. Girl moves to a new town. Boy happens to live in that town. Girl hides her online identity from boy. A tale as old as time, right?

This is Kante’s debut novel and it sounds adorable. I do see a bit of similarities to Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia, and I could see there being some possible anxiety representation in this book. I find the plot a typical cute, lighthearted contemporary story that I love.

Admission by Julie Buxbaum: Chloe thought she had the perfect life with admission into her dream school, a celebrity mom and amazing prom date. However, things get less than perfect when her mom gets arrested for participating a college admission scandal. Chloe must come face to face with the truth and everything she has taken for granted before.

You all have probably heard about the real college admissions scandal that rocked Hollywood. I knew that some form of fiction would be made from it, though I figured it would be a Lifetime movie, still I think this will be an interesting read. I haven’t heard anyone talk about this book, so I am looking forward to discovering if I like it as much as I expect.

Those are all my star predictions as of now, and I am curious to find out if my intuition is as good as I believe. Please support my blog by liking and sharing this post. I would e honored if you followed the blog as well.

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